Recent Films...

A film to be avoided at all costs if you are a fan of the book The Yes Man by Danny Wallace....

made into a film - starring Jim Carrey 8O8O8O8O

Haven't been able to find that one on torrents... quite annoyed. I might have to try to track it down at the video store and hope it's got the English soundtrack...

the oliver stone film.

it was on here the other day, to people who have no idea of what has been going on the last 8 years, it may have been an eye opener.

but personally, i found it let off the bush family (and rumsfeld, dick cheney, karl rove, etc) by mocking them. despite a few serious moments, the general theme of the film was quite light hearted, often trivialising the important issues of war and governance by bush's eating habits and love of baseball.

it doesn't in anyway IMO portray the horror that bush's reign has brought to the world, only elucidates what every knew already: that iraq, and afghanistan to a lesser extent, were phoney wars about oil, revenge and multi billion $ no bid defence and construction contracts.

what a shame he didn't choke on that pretzel....
Haven't been able to find that one on torrents... quite annoyed. I might have to try to track it down at the video store and hope it's got the English soundtrack...

I got it quite easily (ISO hunt). DVD rip, in 2 parts.

Everythings out there these days on torrents, I assume as all the DVD's have gone out for the awards voting as its oscar season
I got it quite easily (ISO hunt). DVD rip, in 2 parts.

Everythings out there these days on torrents, I assume as all the DVD's have gone out for the awards voting as its oscar season
Weird.. I have looked for it several times. Usually on Demonoid (not as big a database, but it's a closed system with reliable torrents & seeders). I think I also looked on Mininova. I'll check ISO Hunt tonight.

And yes, the DVD screeners are all over the place. I love Oscar season :lol:
I got it quite easily (ISO hunt). DVD rip, in 2 parts.

Everythings out there these days on torrents, I assume as all the DVD's have gone out for the awards voting as its oscar season

How do I get some of this Sam Torrents action???

I just got Brewsters Millions of I Love Film so I think I need to get up to date.
Yes Man is really good !!! Made me split with my girlfriend and chase another bird, which I failed in doing so leaving me single and alone. Good times.
I'm scared of going to the cinema at the moment, it seems Kate Winslet is everywhere. Would hate to stumble into the stalls only to see her huge face looming over me.

From today's Guardian review of Revolutionary Road :lol::

'Her face, so powerful in its impassivity, yet with unreadable hints of fear and anger, has something massive and monumental about it up on screen, the sculpted form of a Roman empress: like the gigantic marble head of Faustina the Elder, famously unearthed with the colossal statue of Hadrian in Turkey last year.'
From today's Guardian review of Revolutionary Road :lol::

'Her face, so powerful in its impassivity, yet with unreadable hints of fear and anger, has something massive and monumental about it up on screen, the sculpted form of a Roman empress: like the gigantic marble head of Faustina the Elder, famously unearthed with the colossal statue of Hadrian in Turkey last year.'


What c0ck wrote that??? :lol:

What c0ck wrote that??? :lol:

:lol: It's the Guardian. They've got to throw in a few highbrow references that no one understands. :lol:

Also on the subject of film star faces, Nicole Kidman's has gone so wrong. :? Thought Australia was disappointing really and waaay too long. Hugh Jackman's shower scene deserves a mention though.
From today's Guardian review of Revolutionary Road :lol::

'Her face, so powerful in its impassivity, yet with unreadable hints of fear and anger, has something massive and monumental about it up on screen, the sculpted form of a Roman empress: like the gigantic marble head of Faustina the Elder, famously unearthed with the colossal statue of Hadrian in Turkey last year.'

That's sooo funny!!:lol:
Recent Films

I agree righteous kill was awful, shame really pacino and de niro are two of my favourite actors.

Anyway of the films i have seen recently a quick review.

Changeling- very good clint eastwood at his best again.

The reader- very good if a little too long.

Australia- suprised me i thought it would be terrible but i really enjoyed it, and the little boy who played nullah was fantastic.

The wrestler- mickey rourke at his absolute best, absolute brilliance

Defiance- ok nothing special.

Frost Nixon- very well made really enjoyed it. Frank langella as nixon is brilliant.

Revolutionary road- very subtle and very good, but thats my dose of kate winslet for the year.

And really looking forward to clint eastwood's next starring appearance in Gran Torino out on the 20th feb.

It's properly snowing outside bring on the summer.
Agreed. One of the lamest films of '08. A monumental waste of talent.

Damn! I have it at home to watch tonight, don't think i'll bother. I may be committing treason to some people when i say this, but i thought "Heat" was ****e too. Pacino and De Niro were rubbish in that film and the ending was pants.
Damn! I have it at home to watch tonight, don't think i'll bother. I may be committing treason to some people when i say this, but i thought "Heat" was ****e too. Pacino and De Niro were rubbish in that film and the ending was pants.
I liked Heat... although I might agree that Kilmer was the best actor on the screen in that one. I thought any problem with the film was with Michael Mann's directing.

Ya, forget about Righteous Kill... you'd be better off watching tv!