Reading the years gone by....

It wasn't me writing it was the vodka :p



Ibiza is still great but two things that i wish would just do one are the commercialisation and the VIP trend... those two things ( mostly the 2nd one ) are dulling the atmosphere in clubs...

i still have a great time every time i go but maybe that's because i don't just go for clubs and i don't just go in the summer season....

incidentally, my flatmate first went to Ibiza in '99 ( he's on a podium dancing in Amnesia towards the end of Kevin and Perry and he's wearing a tank top :lol::lol: )... the next time he went was in '06 or '07 with me and he said it was nowhere near as good as i was in '99...

another mate who now has kids etc went in 2000 and regularly tells me about how amazing the original Space terrace/Manumission at Ku etc etc was and said he knows for a fact that i would have preferred it back then and he's right!
This forum is a serious timewarp :eek:
I implore anyone who wants an insight to Ibiza before the "vest" and ocean club to go back to any section of this forum and go to "last page" and read from there.

I think most people can remember as far back as May without having to read masses of posts :p
I've gotta say, over the course of the 3 years I went (2005, 2009 and 2011) I didn't really notice any obvious difference. If anything the experiences got better the more I matured and the more I understood what is was about Ibiza I liked.

I think to say it's changed a lot since 2008 is pushing it a bit. What there is in Ibiza - and I've said it before a few times - is a situation where it now caters for two quite different crowds. The real clubbers on one side, everyone else (including your big spending VIP goers) on the other.

That, in a way, is a good thing because it brings an even more diverse mix of people in, means there's even more going on, means it's not a closed EDM shop. What it probably does do is slightly dilute the atmosphere at certain big clubs on certain big nights. But that 'divided' crowd has been like that for while. It's more a 10-15 year development, not a 4 year one.

It's difficult for me to say having not experienced the island back in the pre-2000 era but from an EDM purists point-of-view it probably was better. But hey, so was clubbing in general apparently. 'Clubbing' as we know it is a very different animal these days.

Plus, Ibiza still has a lot to offer beyond clubbing.
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Ibiza changed for me personally in that I used to always book early August, and planned my holiday around the Radio1 weekend, when it was at Mambos. I did go to the Radio1 event the first year it was held in Ibiza Rocks, wasn't the same for me though, couldn't see the sun setting in those enclosed walls. Turns out September is a better month to be out there anyways.
I have a mate im trying to get to come over in october.We done a season in 94 and 95 and he aint been back since 95..Im sure he`ll notice some changes..
Fair enough they may not fall in with what you usually like but why not have an open mind for once and give them a try.
Eg. I though the current incarnation of Ushuaia was going to be crap and I had a grand old time there last year.
Phil_Dicko said:
Plus, Ibiza still has a lot to offer beyond clubbing.
My first time was 98, I went to Space and Pacha and didn't have a clue about the white isle. Ibiza has changed over the years so have I. The trips I took after 2000 armed with more knowledge led to better trips. My trips were enhanced by site like spotlights party calendar, which aloud me to plan my trips better. I first went blindly and took advice from PR's, after finding this site I could separate the wheat from the chaff. I miss some of the gritty nature of by gone years like trying to stay at Space for 20 hours Sunday to Monday. The Peseta made the trips less dear. If you travel around the world places still try to duplicate the Ibiza experience (unsuccessfully) that shows that it is still number one.
My first time was 98, I went to Space and Pacha and didn't have a clue about the white isle.

Same here, 1998, with three others and stayed at (what was) the Klippe Apartments down the bay. Notable holiday, in that we were there when Beckham got sent off against Argentina, thus ending England 's World cup run. I imagine World War 3 has nothing on the events of that evening around San Antonio. :)
Things have changed so much since first trip to Ibiza in 2000 as I have too but that doesn't mean I don't still love it and wonder what my next adventure might bring :D:twisted:

Will not step foot in Pacha - its pretentious you can't move, commercial VIP bollocks;) (thanks Guetta/SHM) but that doesn't mean others can't enjoy it. Seems to be more like Marbella with Ushuaia, Ocean Beach and Blue Marlin and I can't stand ostentatious places (in your face look at me - Paris Hilton, P Diddy) :spank:

We Love at Space in 2000 has special memories as does each time I go there. Maybe it's time to grow up but I can't, whilst I can play I will and go with the changes continuing to enjoy and saviour every single moment;)

Spotlight has given me a new lease of love for all things Ibiza ;)

00, 05, 11, Sept 12.
Nostalgia is a hell of a feeling :p everything was better back in the day right?

Bet in 15 years time ill be telling people how Ibiza was so much better in 2012.
I first went when i was 17 in 1989, pretty naive to the club scene there and the only real recollections are staying at the poniente apts ( i think ) , an outdoor bar called "idea" and the "star club". They where the only places i went from memory. 23 years on and the craving to return still hasn't faded. I think i started to lose a little interest during the 00's but that was me and the people i used to go with not ibiza and since meeting the Mrs a few years ago ( whom had never been ) has made me fall in love with it all over again. Admittidly these days its not really in a clubbing capacity although we still have 2 or 3 nights out it gives you chance to see the real side of the island. Back to the original question/wind up/bite some of it isnt as good and some of its far better.. when your at the top your there to be shot at, moreorless the reason people give ibiza an undeserved slating..
Same here, 1998, with three others and stayed at (what was) the Klippe Apartments down the bay. :)

ha ha i stayed in the Klippe when i went out there in 1998. That was some crazy place and the 24hr bar was neraly the death of me after a particularly heavy Manumission / Carry on at Space / Borar Bora session!
ha ha i stayed in the Klippe when i went out there in 1998. That was some crazy place and the 24hr bar was neraly the death of me after a particularly heavy Manumission / Carry on at Space / Borar Bora session!

I'll never forget the Manager of the Klippe. He was something else, we left our money in his office safe, and in his limited English he said to the four of us.."We need to make password for you to get money si?...

"Si" we said...thinking he was coming up with a Spanish phrase. Then he said:

"Piss flaps!"
Personally I find it sad that music levels in many bars now have to be so low the music is barely audible. The death of daytime partying spoiled Ibiza for many people, parties like Matinee epitomised Ibiza outdoor/ daytime clubbing for many.

That said, I enjoy Ibiza far more now than ever before! Exploring the island, especially with children is an enlightening experience
Personally I find it sad that music levels in many bars now have to be so low the music is barely audible. The death of daytime partying spoiled Ibiza for many people, parties like Matinee epitomised Ibiza outdoor/ daytime clubbing for many.

That said, I enjoy Ibiza far more now than ever before! Exploring the island, especially with children is an enlightening experience

Love how the came down the beach of PDB recruiting people. I was always up for a gentle pull into space.