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Some people seem to think that I was not friendly to the bar staff for instance - well let me tell you that I am certainly not what we call here in Scotland a "growler" in that I don't draw people dirty looks, barge my way through the crowd, Im not rude to people and I always say please and thanks when I'm in a bar, shop etc (well in Ibiza - Gracias and Por Favor). I also try to get peoples attention by saying Ola and smiling... so don't think it was anything I done that made some people look at me like I was a piece of crap on their shoe! Usually my way to counteract a grim faced person is to draw a "smile" over my lips with a finger at them however in some cases I did not even bother cos if someone doesn't respond to a facial smile then they are not worth it.
I have also been to Ibiza 6 times so I know all about the prices and why they are like that and getting drunk before you go out etc......
I will continue this post when I get home as I am at work just now. Oh and by the way when you work with the public it is your job to give them good service whether you work in a bank, pub, resturant or even over the phone. If I had to treat one of my clients badly in my work then I would get my ass kicked and I worked in a bar for a year so I know all about "hatred of the general public". However no matter how crappy you feel you are supposed to treat your customers kindly - unless you have a REAL reason to dislike them i.e. being cheeky or not paying for drinks etc. You shouldn't work in a bar if you go into your work hating everyone. Yeah you might have to deal with a few drunken people but think about people like hospital staff and the crap they need to put up with - do they moan? NO!
As you can tell I feel very strongly about this and I'd better go as I need to get back to work - I will tell you guys why I was prompted to write the post in the first place when I get home.
By the way I still love the island and I will be back but not for a few years (although I am planning to go for a 3 day break next year for Space closing).