R.I.P. Steve Jobs


Active Member
Wow, didn't see that one coming. :(

The (technological) world is a much better place having had him in it. A revolutionary and visionary he'll be sorely missed. Amazing how one man could change the face of technology, the music industry, and the film industry.

Did you know he was the single biggest shreholder of the Disney corporation :eek: ??

Heres a video from 2005 were Jobs give a speach at Stanford university. Its about his life, career, and his vision. He also talks about death with it being just after his cancer diagnosis.

Well worth 15 minutes of your day. http://www.break.com/index/steve-jobs-2005-stanford-commencement-speech-2177816

Very inspirational. Makes me want to chuck my computer out the window and book a flight somewhere!!

It's so hard though to balance living life to the full and having some financial stability. I need to design something like the Mac I guess... :confused: :lol:
RIP Steve

One person who will never ever be forgotten for their contribution to technology.

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful… that's what matters to me.”
Very inspirational. Makes me want to chuck my computer out the window and book a flight somewhere!!

It's so hard though to balance living life to the full and having some financial stability. I need to design something like the Mac I guess... :confused: :lol:

Not an Apple then ? :lol:

I've just watched it again, the guy had great philosophies regarding life and careers. it makes a hell of alot of sense watching it back.

I'm no Apple geek, yeah I have a couple of ipods and an iPhone, and I didnt know a huge ammount about the guy, this is prbbably testament to him guarding his private life. So why the hell do I feel moved by his death :confused: :?: I'd say its due to that video hitting home so much...
RIP Steve

One person who will never ever be forgotten for their contribution to technology.

And the music and film world also. iTunes changed the face of music forever, and Pixar (inovators of animated movies) who brought out the Toy story films changed the face of movie making. Thig guy has had a massive impact on all 3 stages and affected all of our generation.
Ever since i got my first ipod I've pretty much stuck with Apple for most of my gadgets and not even considered anything else. Got the iPhone the day it was released in the Uk and haven't even looked at or considered any other phone as it does everything i need plus a whole lot more.

Writing this on my Macbook pro too whilst listening to music on itunes.

Lets hope the company continue to keep all his amazing hard working on-going.
Did you know he was the single biggest shreholder of the Disney corporation :eek: ??
Presumably from the deal when he sold them Pixar?

Great quote from that Stanford speech:
‎"Almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
I've never owned an apple product, but Steve Jobs set out a new, higher standard for technology and personal devices, and the world is a poorer place without him in it.

Presumably from the deal when he sold them Pixar?

Great quote from that Stanford speech:
‎"Almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."

Yeah he owned 7% of the whole disney corporation as payment for selling them Pixar. Unbelievable.

That whole Stanford speach is truly inspirational, and when he touches on death saying he hopes to be around for another few decades :(
I've never owned an apple product, but Steve Jobs set out a new, higher standard for technology and personal devices, and the world is a poorer place without him in it.
My 4th computer (and first one I bought myself, courtesy of a university loan) was an Apple Macintosh LE

Back in the early 90s, you had to have an Apple to do any kind of music sequencing or graphic design work. The PC software just wasn't up to snuff.

Nowadays, I'm a serious anti-fanboy where Apple is concerned. It's only Windows 7, but that's because I'm techy and prefer tweakability over simplicity.

Apple was not a company that innovated. Mass-market PCs, graphical interface, MP3 players, online music stores, touchscreen smartphones, tablet PCs - all things that were introduced and, in some cases, implemented better by other companies.

Steve's genius was the design and marketing. Taking these products mass-market, sometimes by dumbing them down but also by making them pretty. Making them into things that non-techy people wanted.

Despite my general stance on Apple, I still carry an iPod Nano. Great product (up until the latest generation)
I've been crucified for saying the following on Twitter:

It's like Princess Di all over again...trying to muddle in on the collective grief but failing.


Granted, a sad day for technology and business. I guess you pick your heroes don't you?
My 4th computer (and first one I bought myself, courtesy of a university loan) was an Apple Macintosh LE

Back in the early 90s, you had to have an Apple to do any kind of music sequencing or graphic design work. The PC software just wasn't up to snuff.

Nowadays, I'm a serious anti-fanboy where Apple is concerned. It's only Windows 7, but that's because I'm techy and prefer tweakability over simplicity.

Apple was not a company that innovated. Mass-market PCs, graphical interface, MP3 players, online music stores, touchscreen smartphones, tablet PCs - all things that were introduced and, in some cases, implemented better by other companies.

Steve's genius was the design and marketing. Taking these products mass-market, sometimes by dumbing them down but also by making them pretty. Making them into things that non-techy people wanted.

Despite my general stance on Apple, I still carry an iPod Nano. Great product (up until the latest generation)
I agree with your points, I have an ipod because it was the best available option. I hate itunes and anything I purchase from it. The pixar pictures were truly inovative big up for that. I think Apple won't be the same without Jobs

RIP Steve Jobs
Whilst I've never bought an Apple product, nor moved by its methods or 'ethos', you can't fault the dedication of the man. Rip.
It's like Princess Di all over again...

Don't think its reached those levels yet!
Certainly feel he's done more for the world than she ever did.

I don't have any Apple products either but have the upmost respect for for him and everything he did. Seemed like a thoroughly nice bloke too
Don't think its reached those levels yet!
Certainly feel he's done more for the world than she ever did.

I don't have any Apple products either but have the upmost respect for for him and everything he did. Seemed like a thoroughly nice bloke too

He's still alive though. These will be hypnotising hungry consumers for years to come...   

(much to the dismay of underpaid workers in China and anyone living near a toxic dump.)
He's still alive though. These will be hypnotising hungry consumers for years to come...   

(much to the dismay of underpaid workers in China and anyone living near a toxic dump.)
Wait a second... don't you have a Mac? :lol:
and an iPhone and an iPod...plus I've been using macs waaay before they went consumertastic back in the days of the IIci.

It's mainly because my Dad was in design - and it was useful for putting together fancy page layouts in Quark.

I'm not a designer though so I'm more interested in the actual output than the machine.

Similarly - I'd rather talk about artists and music than sound engineering.

I've requested a Chrome book for work. :lol: