
Robder said:
(Is this an appropriate opportunity to unveil my extra special no smoking camels in support of your current challenge? :lol: )


ah bless them! thanks Robder, they've given me a much needed encouragement boost for my Day 2! :lol:
Robder said:

not wishing to seem ungrateful but can i have another design instead of a F_____ C_____ T_____ ??? :eek:

also do they count up instead of down?

sorry for all the questions, tis the price you pay for being the forum T______ expert! :lol:
Robder said:

A mushroom t___ which counts up to your special day! That do you?

God I must be bored today. :rolleyes:

Sorry, i know I'm a demanding ticker customer but can i have one that counts up? :lol:

i.e. 1 day since Stuie stopped smoking, 400 days since Stuie stopped smoking?

also, I haven't received the artwork invoice from you yet :lol: ;)
stuie said:
Sorry, i know I'm a demanding ticker customer but can i have one that counts up? :lol:

i.e. 1 day since Stuie stopped smoking, 400 days since Stuie stopped smoking?

also, I haven't received the artwork invoice from you yet :lol: ;)

Errr Stuie, have you forgotten something _________________________________________________________________________________________ :rolleyes: :lol:
small jinx said:
Which notorious poster is going under the pseudonym RossNelly then :!: :rolleyes:

i think original question was genuine. Sorry Ross for talking utter crap on your thread!! :lol:

By the way, F______ T____ C______ = fluffy chick tickers, they are everywhere :lol: :lol: