

New Member
Hey all, going to Ibiza with my friends for the 1st time during 22nd July - 29th July. I heard that most big clubs people are there for the music which is fine by me, but my mates normally like to pull or try to anyway, LOL, so I was wondering what are the better places to head if you want to pull. I know my mates will be devestated if they don't! (personally I don't care, I've got my girlffriend!) Thanks for any help on this awkward topic.
West End, San Antonio.

Streets lined with cheap booze bars and laydees (and not so laydees!) :lol:

It's a meat market :eek: If they try and fail then they must be positively minging! or sooooooo paraletic they need an ambulance!!! :lol: ;)
Robder said:
stuie said:
West End, San Antonio.

Have you been to that God forsaken place by the way Stuie? :confused:

oh yes, fraid so :lol: actually west last year for a drink on the way through and said never again.

but i used to go there and pull girls with my mates years ago, when i was a closet case! :lol: ;)
(I'm actually semi serious)

We should buy a couple of Abercrombie polo shirts and visit the West End on a night off in Sept!...Just to see how many 'birds' we can pull! :lol:
Robder said:
(I'm actually semi serious)

We should buy a couple of Abercrombie polo shirts and visit the West End on a night off in Sept!...Just to see how many 'birds' we can pull! :lol:

ew. yuck! :eek: :lol:

been there, done it and........ nope, never had an abercrombie tshirt! ;)
5 mins into the conversation and b___ o__ pops up! :lol:

I really want to give it a go!

If Stuie won't, we can shave b___ o__'s head, give her a baseball cap and I'll go with her! :lol:
Barbie said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you have much success pulling the ladieeeez Stuie :lol: ;)

:lol: Yes, sometimes I tried to lose them, or palm them off with a kebab when said mates were out of eyeshot, instead of going through with 'the deed' :lol: :lol:
stuie said:
:lol: Yes, sometimes I tried to lose them, or palm them off with a kebab when said mates were out of eyeshot, instead of going through with 'the deed' :lol: :lol:

PMSL @ palming them off with a kebab, you're such a charmer aren't you ;)
Barbie said:
PMSL @ palming them off with a kebab, you're such a charmer aren't you ;)

Well that's when they said they wanted meat! What else was i supposed to give them B____ O___???? :lol: :lol: ;)
Robder said:
ten woodbine and a bag of chips and I'm anybodys! I'd say a kebab was generous! :lol:

bit different to that tho, the kebab was the boobyprize! :lol:

and those laydees should of considered themselves lucky that they didn't just get lost in the crowds and have to go back to the bar and start over! :lol: ;)

(ps. i've never said that they were attractive laydees!)
(Is this an appropriate opportunity to unveil my extra special no smoking camels in support of your current challenge? :lol: )
