PS3 - Yellow Light Of Death...

Super P

New Member
Experiences anyone ? Just spent half hour attacking my PS3's board and processors with a heat gun and it's still not working. I am very annoyed.
Not sure about the yellow light of death - never played that one

However, my last ps3 drive packed in recently, the motor not the laser. So I could buy one off ebay and replace it. Cost $50 (american funny money - bit like monopoly money)
it's a shame giving all that money to buy a console and after some hours of playing this mf ysod appearing...

i'm still considering to buy one though...
it's a shame giving all that money to buy a console and after some hours of playing this mf ysod appearing...

i'm still considering to buy one though...

Right, here goes...

I'm guessing the mf stands for mother fvcker - but I'm having trouble with the ysod..could it be (rather embarassingly) the 'yellow sircle of death' or does it stand for 'yellow [insert geometric shape beginning with the letter 's' eg SQUARE] of death'....

Answers on a postcard to..

Texting has taken away my motivation to type and spell properly Ltd.....
Great advice chaps. And on google, everyone calls it YLOD, y'sod.

OK I feel it's my duty, yet again, to try and get a reality check on flippant comments made on 'social' websites.

Super Polack, what 'great' advice was given to you? I really am interested to know. Either you didn't MEAN 'great advice' or you simply felt a virtual responsibility to answer your own thread and have the last word...

1) There was absolutely no advice given whatsoever regarding your initial question...OR

2) You were being 'ironic'

What's it going to be...or did you research the problem properly in the meantime?