Promoter question

was she THAT hot or that good (or both) :?: :twisted:

:lol: :p :twisted:

She looks good in a bikini (see second quote!)

I like to test my sales to figure out what works, methodical approach works everytime. So that included wearing different amounts of clothes. So I can say with certainty, In San Antonio, selling to guys aged 18-25, wearing a bikini when theyre drunk works!

In Ibiza you don't need to be the hottest girl or bloke in the world to sell, you don't need to be the craziest and you don't need to jump up and down on the spot the most to sell. You need to be able to connect to people and understand what they want. Thats all sales is. I give an example (which works quite nicely in with the above argument by Dan(?))

EXAMPLE: a stag party of 48 men walked down the street I worked on last year. Every PR jumped to attention and tried to PR them in with the *best* deal. I looked for the oldest (and soberest) member of the group as they looked like the one most likely to be in any fit state to make a decision. I asked him what he wanted. He said a cheap beer and not to spend 10 euros on stupid amounts of cheap vodka. I gave them the full terrace, asked them all to empty their pockets and place any euro coins in the cnetre of the tables and provided them with that many beers (about 60). being a stag party the drunken younger ones then proceeded to buy about 5 rounds of shots. The bar was happy, I made my money on shots. it wasnt because I was the best looking or had the best deal or got the most attention. its because I asked them what they wanted and didnt tell them what they should want.
Firstly i am english so yes they do understand me. Before you dig your aw in for starters me and my teams weather falaraki leeds marbella have always been succsesful i soppose dreamers plato or gatcrasher, mint, fith, liquid etc i is nothing like, pull your head out of your arse before you make comments like that again it does not matter where or who you pr when you have had it constantly for a lenth of time you will get told to **** off end of story weather your nice or not nice and i think 100 percent of this board will agree, hence why been a calm headed person and been able to take rejection abuse etc is all part of been a pr, the reason i don't normally post on these sorts of boards is because of tossers like you that have little or no intelligence and just like to make comments and try and derogotise people that haven't been to the island or made many posts as for an itricate sytem you want to get over yourself and stop smoking crack, every one has different ways of selling and each way will work with each individual.

Hi mate I'm also going to be working in Playa Den Bossa this year, who're you working for?

Dan2012, I know you are new to the forum so you have a small amount of leaway but have to say from reading your posts your response to Don Simon sound like one which would drag Playa d'en Bossa down to the ghastly pits of places like Falaraki at times in season. In fact, the sort of PR who reinforces the poor image many cosmopolitan visitors have of some workers on the island, many of whom (thankfully) do not last an entire season.

I would stress this is based on your attitudes and posts as demonstrated above as that is all we have to go on, however that is the impression you have given. As you will be having limited interaction with a great number of people who will have little to judge you on it is not difficult, perhaps, to follow why that might give some cause for concern. :idea:

I would not dream of going on to a forum for the first time and hurling abuse at the first sign of a challenge any more than I would go to meet someone for the first time, shoot my mouth off about my opinions and hurl abuse face to face. It's simply very bad manners aside from anything else.

Meakin, who has posted on here for a while and is going out for his first season this year (if I remember correctly) asked you a polite and friendly question about where you would be working in the midst of your outpourings, which you chose to ignore. Not very nice.

Don Simon (who has seen more PRs come and go than you have had hot dinners, I am fairly certain) made an understandable comment in response to your post (albeit as direct as the one you wrote), which you chose to respond to rudely and in an entirely unbalanced way. I am pretty certain he is not one to partake of the crack either - in any sense.

I have read posts on this forum from first-time visitors who have been on the receiving end of drunk or drugged up "off-duty" PRs mouthing off exactly the sort of jaded prejudices you display at them or in their presence (notably in Playa d'en Bossa if I recall correctly) and it left them with a very bad taste in their mouths and little desire to return there. As someone who visits the island in and out of season, usually several times per year, I can only appeal to you to adopt a little more respect for others in Ibiza than you have perhaps become accustomed to demonstrating elsewhere.

I think you can pretty easily deduce that there are many here who take a very dim view of arrogance, disrespect and prejudice. Ibiza is about none of those things, in my opinion, and I am sure many of us would prefer to keep it that way. So if you cannot leave those attitudes at home (or preferably get rid of them altogether) - then please stay there. Otherwise, I wish you a happy and successful season on a very special island.

I would not normally bother to take the time to comment on a thread like this, let alone write a lengthy response, however having seen time and again the damage workers can do the image and atmosphere of a place (alongside the really positive contribution they can also make with the right attitude), I felt it worthwhile on this occasion making these few points. I hope you will take this positively and see the opportunity to take a more moderate and balanced stance. Ibiza may be hedonistic but on the whole that does not translate to anarchistic ... for very long in any event :!:
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something i'd like to add which I meant to the other day but forgot is...

I have followed this forum on and off for years but only started posting the last few months and have not found anyone disrespectful or rude or ignorant to me. As a group the regulars seem fairly close but still very happy to embrace new members. I wouldnt like anyone to read this thread and think maybe they shouldnt post because that guys opinions (dave? i forget) were correct. I've had quite meaningful intercchanges with a few people with a little heated debate from few on certain matters but never to the point we wouldnt have happy and polite interchanges on other topics again. x
Dan2012, I know you are new to the forum so you have a small amount of leaway but have to say from reading your posts your response to Don Simon sound like one which would drag Playa d'en Bossa down to the ghastly pits of places like Falaraki at times in season. In fact, the sort of PR who reinforces the poor image many cosmopolitan visitors have of some workers on the island, many of whom (thankfully) do not last an entire season.

I would stress this is based on your attitudes and posts as demonstrated above as that is all we have to go on, however that is the impression you have given. As you will be having limited interaction with a great number of people who will have little to judge you on it is not difficult, perhaps, to follow why that might give some cause for concern. :idea:

I would not dream of going on to a forum for the first time and hurling abuse at the first sign of a challenge any more than I would go to meet someone for the first time, shoot my mouth off about my opinions and hurl abuse face to face. It's simply very bad manners aside from anything else.

Meakin, who has posted on here for a while and is going out for his first season this year (if I remember correctly) asked you a polite and friendly question about where you would be working in the midst of your outpourings, which you chose to ignore. Not very nice.

Don Simon (who has seen more PRs come and go than you have had hot dinners, I am fairly certain) made an understandable comment in response to your post (albeit as direct as the one you wrote), which you chose to respond to rudely and in an entirely unbalanced way. I am pretty certain he is not one to partake of the crack either - in any sense.

I have read posts on this forum from first-time visitors who have been on the receiving end of drunk or drugged up "off-duty" PRs mouthing off exactly the sort of jaded prejudices you display at them or in their presence (notably in Playa d'en Bossa if I recall correctly) and it left them with a very bad taste in their mouths and little desire to return there. As someone who visits the island in and out of season, usually several times per year, I can only appeal to you to adopt a little more respect for others in Ibiza than you have perhaps become accustomed to demonstrating elsewhere.

I think you can pretty easily deduce that there are many here who take a very dim view of arrogance, disrespect and prejudice. Ibiza is about none of those things, in my opinion, and I am sure many of us would prefer to keep it that way. So if you cannot leave those attitudes at home (or preferably get rid of them altogether) - then please stay there. Otherwise, I wish you a happy and successful season on a very special island.

I would not normally bother to take the time to comment on a thread like this, let alone write a lengthy response, however having seen time and again the damage workers can do the image and atmosphere of a place (alongside the really positive contribution they can also make with the right attitude), I felt it worthwhile on this occasion making these few points. I hope you will take this positively and see the opportunity to take a more moderate and balanced stance. Ibiza may be hedonistic but on the whole that does not translate to anarchistic ... for very long in any event :!:

I think you have really miss understand what I have written I have not slagged it down in any way, how does commenting on tourists slag a place down. Personally I do like a bit of culture rather than the same old but would prefer to work elsewhere, also where was meakins post addressed to me?? There is a fair amount of people on here, and it was after another post, I am sure Meakin is deeply wounded and loosing substantial amounts of sleep over it (i doubt) nit picking at silly little things get a life (3000 posts in less than a year wow). Also yes maybe the crack comment was a bit harsh but so was his naive comment about sales etc Sorry for calling you a tosser don i should have kept that in. Bye the way you seem to have contradicted yourself here I never directly slagged any place off I commented on people so now who has just directly slagged a place of (drag Playa d'en Bossa down to the ghastly pits of places like Falaraki at times in season) hypocrite. Also I notice you have nothing to say about Marbella I wonder why. Don also may have seen a lot of PR's come and go but I guarantee you if he is a boss, there is no way I would work for somebody like that, I would rather leave same goes for you, but you don't work there do you. I am not arguing about things I really don't need to before I even get there, already I am going to be coming with bad vibes which is not what I want from a few people on a forum. Should I be fake and pretend to live on a sugar coated rainbow like half the people in the world, and not say what I think? May I also point out there is zero tolerance on drugs in Falaraki can't say the same for Ibiza, not that it bothers me. I'm not arguing anymore especially as it really has nothing to do with you, and the fact that were not allowed to express our opinions are we. Should I feel graced that you don't normally comment oh wise one I think not get a life, fortunately I have one so don't spend 24/7 in chat rooms.
forget about all the scwobbling guys , some interesting points made but lets just move on.

Meakin asked twice who you are workin for in pdb dan?
I think you can pretty easily deduce that there are many here who take a very dim view of arrogance, disrespect and prejudice. Ibiza is about none of those things, in my opinion, and I am sure many of us would prefer to keep it that way. So if you cannot leave those attitudes at home (or preferably get rid of them altogether) - then please stay there. Otherwise, I wish you a happy and successful season on a very special island.

forget about all the scwobbling guys , some interesting points made but lets just move on.

Meakin asked twice who you are workin for in pdb dan?

I didn't know it was directed at me i thought it would be clear i don't work there as i said i have never been sorry for any confusion, also i definatley do not want to work there after this thread it has but me off, my appologies meakin i wasn't been ignorant m8.
what's this Ibiza place like??? any good???

Dunno ric, what do you reckon we go check it out sometime ? I'll drive and you take the bike :p.

Only thing is I hear there are pretty limited opportunities for those specialising in "cheap shots" over there :confused: ... and I didn't see 'Martyr's Revenge' on the bar menu either... so we might have to do it the local way and settle for a Cup of Love. One each, mind - easy does it !
Dunno ric, what do you reckon we go check it out sometime ? I'll drive and you take the bike :p.

Only thing is I hear there are pretty limited opportunities for those specialising in "cheap shots" over there :confused: ... and I didn't see 'Martyr's Revenge' on the bar menu either... so we might have to do it the local way and settle for a Cup of Love. One each, mind - easy does it !


dan, by the way.. you can't have been that interested in going to Ibiza if this has out you off already... :)

i'd love to go some day... it must be amazing! 8)
I didn't know it was directed at me i thought it would be clear i don't work there as i said i have never been sorry for any confusion, also i definatley do not want to work there after this thread it has but me off, my appologies meakin i wasn't been ignorant m8.

Hey, my question was actually directed at the original poster as he was asking about working in Playa D'en Bossa, that's where I'm staying this year, so no worries :)
Capadi is the company I will be working for.. Have you had any interactions with them?

i worked last summer for Capadi, it's easy if u are a good seller, there are days that u sell 10-20 tickets n days that u don't sell anything.

it's not an easy work, as sometimes people can think, imo, but hey u are in ibiza ;)

there are many sellers (also from other companies) on the beach, so u have to do ur best!!

good luck n have fun :D