Pro Plus ?!

I did load of vodka red bull one night stayed up until after noon. crashed for 12 hours back on it, but I had the shakes for 2 days:spank:
I did load of vodka red bull one night stayed up until after noon. crashed for 12 hours back on it, but I had the shakes for 2 days:spank:

yeah - I was designated driver one night and had about 5 cans of the stuff and was still absolutely knackered by the end of the night - did nothing for me til I got home - went to bed and BANG! wide away for 7 hrs shaking and feeling like i had the worst come down for a good 24 hrs after that.... never touched it since....
Yeah it makes me feel sick when i see people in the morning having those beer sized cans of it . Maybe if you have an active job you'll sort of work off the energy but otherwise you'd be a quivering mess surely
Yeah it makes me feel sick when i see people in the morning having those beer sized cans of it . Maybe if you have an active job you'll sort of work off the energy but otherwise you'd be a quivering mess surely

Err me too - tin of red bull and a fag - makes my teeth feel funny
Talking of tins I saw someone this morning drinking "nourishment" (is that the name?)

Ive never tried it but it looks so wrong on so many levels, the main one being it looks like a can of dog food from the outside :lol:
Come to Camberwell , Peckham , Brixton . Your more likely to see people drinking that than a can of coke its really popular , never been tempted myself
Its like orange powder, grim

they come in tropical flavour now :lol:

I must admit I take them daily religiously as I work shifts they're a good multi-vitamin and good for your imune system.... but they're not for same thing as pro plus.... they definitely serve their purpose but when I've had them they've always made me feel abit queasy
Talking of tins I saw someone this morning drinking "nourishment" (is that the name?)

Ive never tried it but it looks so wrong on so many levels, the main one being it looks like a can of dog food from the outside :lol:

Nurishments are AMAZING!!! They're like the best chocolate or strawberry milks. Really good if you want to build yourself up (not that I ever did, just liked the taste :lol:)

They're also great for post clubbing replenishment. I used to always down a can in my younger raving days when didn't really fancy food :eek: :twisted:
Nurishments are AMAZING!!! They're like the best chocolate or strawberry milks. Really good if you want to build yourself up (not that I ever did, just liked the taste :lol:)

They're also great for post clubbing replenishment. I used to always down a can in my younger raving days when didn't really fancy food :eek: :twisted:

Yeah the chocolate milk tempts me as I LOVE milkshakes - just the tin puts me off somewhat :lol:
I think the tin kinda makes it special... makes me feel young again! I'm sure most drinks used to be in those kinda tins didn't they?

Yes you are probably right - I might overcome my "tin" snobbery and try one!

Talking of childhood drinks why do they no longer make the Cadburys milkshakes in a ribena carton style box?

I know one shop out of thousands near us that sells them - I see one and HAVE to have one :lol:
Anyone who feels they need ProPlus to keep them going on holiday shouldn't be going on holiday....especially to Ibiza.
Anyone who feels they need ProPlus to keep them going on holiday shouldn't be going on holiday....especially to Ibiza.

This was my point :confused: lol

I can literally keep going all day everyday and my gf turned around and said 'we got a few years on you Vic so wel be powering napping and on the pro plus'

Little do they know my mates have said i can crash at theres when im over at pdb (Jet Apartments) i keep up sooo much better when im with the lads 8) already said its 'gona be a one man band' :lol: