Pro Plus ?!


Active Member
Was with the Girls Saturday night and they all said, without fail they are taking aload for Ibiza :confused:

I myself have never taken it before but am a coffee freak :eek:

I generally dont feel THAT tired in the day to ever need to take something to get me awake again, yeah the girls are a few years older than me but really ?!

Anyone take the stuff or has and can maybe give me the pro's and con's of it :?:

One of the girls i went with actualy OD on them on a previous holiday so shes vigilant to say the least lol :eek:
I have a friend who had quite a serious issue with them. She was so obsessed with going to the gym and being fit she used to take them to keep her going, then use Kalms to put her to sleep at night. Not very good at all......we said to her surely if you are tired you should leave off the gym for a bit or for a few nights but she insisted all was ok and carried on with the Pro Plus.

Ive taken them before but never really noticed a difference.....I wonder if its more of a mind thing?? But then I think that about a lot of tablets & medication.

Dont take them with Red Bull though, I did that at Alton Towers after an early start. Would not advise it!
Can I be the first to chuckle? :lol:

Lots of caffeine is just nasty on its own.

Is pro plus/kalms the legal equivalent of pills/weed?
When I was younger we thought it would be a good idea to double drop pro plus with vodka redbull. Did not make you feel good. I did it with a friend once and she went elsewhere but called me up to ask if I'd given her actual pills because she felt so weird. Would not recommend that strategy..

I might bring some to the openings though and just take 1 when I'm fading or something.
They never used to have an effect on me. I have quite alot of energy anyway, but I used to be holiday rep so took some with me just in case, but when i took them they didnt make a difference. Make sure you have a chill out in the day and stick with the coffee - find somewhere that does a nice iced frappe mmmmmmmmmmm!!!
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Ive taken them before but never really noticed a difference...

Dont take them with Red Bull though, I did that at Alton Towers after an early start. Would not advise it!
I like the way you contradicted yourself from one paragraph to the next. ;)
I like the way you contradicted yourself from one paragraph to the next. ;)

Ha ha yeah thats me ;)

I think I meant to say I have taken them before just on their own, didnt notice much difference. With Red Bull - not good.

Does that make sense or have I officially lost the plot?
I used to do it when I worked Saturday mornings, if I pulled an all night Friday.
It's very much an artificial high, and the crash from it is absolutely hideous.