President Obama

It's good the USA has a statesman that can make a good impression on the world stage

Yes you can... be proud of him. Im sure England will love him also. Hes now in England as Air Force One left Dublin an hour ago........ a day early due to the Ash Cloud from the Icelandic Volcano.
Most Americans I know hate Obama.. Weird. Actually I've only met like one Democrat at my uni, although in California my American relations adore him (well they did in 08 anyway). I think it's an obviously political move. Mobilise the Irish vote.. Standard. In return the beleaguered Ireland is beamed on to millions of Americans TVs = much needed tourism revenues.

The whole thing stinks :evil:
My favorite line from his speech was

"There's always been a little Green behind the Red, White and Blue" 8)
I know, it is weird - I wasn't claiming to be conducting an opinion poll :D. I mean it is an Economics / Government focused uni, most people want to do investment banking and if they are American and studying here I suppose they are fairly well off. So I suppose they are more likely to come from Republican families...

I'm a massive Obama fan for the record, although admittedly I had overly high expectations in 2008.

So why is he here unscheduled? Fairly big deal I hear...
So why is he here unscheduled? Fairly big deal I hear...

He was to have stayed in Dublin tonight but due to the threat of Icelandic ash in Irish Airspace tomorrow he flew out this evening in case airspace was closed.
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I'm a massive Obama fan for the record, although admittedly I had overly high expectations in 2008.
No shame in that. I think we all did. :)
He's still miles better than what we had before (or the other options on the horizon!)
Nevertheless, until the economy improves, he'll always have a sizable number of detractors.
I know, it is weird - I wasn't claiming to be conducting an opinion poll :D. I mean it is an Economics / Government focused uni, most people want to do investment banking and if they are American and studying here I suppose they are fairly well off. So I suppose they are more likely to come from Republican families...

I'm a massive Obama fan for the record, although admittedly I had overly high expectations in 2008.

So why is he here unscheduled? Fairly big deal I hear...

A lot of people did the same, no one can solve all the problems in one term. He is head and shoulders above the person he replaced. He is not everything I wanted but he is doing a good job. The cars are meant to withstand heavy machine gun and bombs. So they are really heavy, just like a tank.
as you all know, i was obama's earliest supporter on spotlight, way back when morbyd laughed at my suggestions of him being the next democratic candidate.

i've got nothing to add at this stage other than it drives me insane the way republicans and fox news can sabotage the political system (almost by definition of their values) in thwarting obama's right to govern.

e.g. filibustering the cuts for big oil.

so so so wrong it's untrue and then yankies point fingers at obama for being too socialist (by wanting to put taxes below reagan levels - hardly commie then!!

I think Obamas new legislation on Health has been his highlight so far along with his rescuing of the American Automobile Industry. With the two different houses of legislation pulling against each other its very difficult to get new laws passed in America especially in one term. So I would give him more time before I would call his Presidency value.

Im really intrested on how his policy on the Israel/Palestine issue will pan out. His statement that Israle should revert back to pre war 1967 borders was very significant especially from an American President. With Hamas and Fatah starting to come friends again its going to require a lot of Diplomacy to sort the Middle Eastern Situation.

I think this is the real reason why Obama is in Europe. All diplomatic roads are leading to Israel, revolution of democracy and of course Oil.
I think it's an obviously political move. Mobilise the Irish vote.. Standard. In return the beleaguered Ireland is beamed on to millions of Americans TVs = much needed tourism revenues.

The whole thing stinks :evil:
What stinks about it, I'd call that win win!
Im really intrested on how his policy on the Israel/Palestine issue will pan out. His statement that Israle should revert back to pre war 1967 borders was very significant especially from an American President. With Hamas and Fatah starting to come friends again its going to require a lot of Diplomacy to sort the Middle Eastern Situation
I read an interesting article about this. In advance of his White House visit, Israeli PM Netanyahu had also scheduled a speech to Congress, basically trying to score some points and put pressure on the pres. administration to follow the Israeli line.

So, Obama outflanked him by dropping that little bomb ahead of time. And the rest of the quartet (UN, EU, Russia) backed him. Pretty smart move!

I don't think anyone thinks those borders will stand. But maybe it'll push the line in the sand a little bit back in that direction.
I read an interesting article about this. In advance of his White House visit, Israeli PM Netanyahu had also scheduled a speech to Congress, basically trying to score some points and put pressure on the pres. administration to follow the Israeli line.

So, Obama outflanked him by dropping that little bomb ahead of time. And the rest of the quartet (UN, EU, Russia) backed him. Pretty smart move!

I don't think anyone thinks those borders will stand. But maybe it'll push the line in the sand a little bit back in that direction.

do you ever watch the young turks, morbs?
as you all know, i was obama's earliest supporter on spotlight, way back when morbyd laughed at my suggestions of him being the next democratic candidate.

i've got nothing to add at this stage other than it drives me insane the way republicans and fox news can sabotage the political system (almost by definition of their values) in thwarting obama's right to govern.

e.g. filibustering the cuts for big oil.

so so so wrong it's untrue and then yankies point fingers at obama for being too socialist (by wanting to put taxes below reagan levels - hardly commie then!!


Well said I agree 100%
No. Why? Worth it?

really. i can't believe you've never watched it. it's fcukin brilliant.

like kind of common sense to the nth degree and just showing how ridiculous some of the attitudes and policies of the republicans are. check this.

i watched it relgiously at the election campaign, if you get a chance to look back over some of them, they are priceless. search for palin or mccain or election or whatever, here's a good one.
Just saw a bit of the speech to parliament.

Not sure if people were just being polite, but the MPs clapped for a good 5 minutes afterward. I guess he done well? :)