Pre-Xmas Weekend Plans!

Doddy's definitely winning so far .... better check your suitcase at the airport as I may have wrapped myself up in there !

Very strange one this year

Tomorrow - bit of work. Dispatch latest round of e-bay sales (a colourful mix including a knife/gun security scanner going oop North - amazing what people from Preston buy as stocking fillers :lol: !). Meeting up with a PT to see if we get on in the afternoon and Yoga in the evening. Chose it over "fitness yoga" which I am guessing amounts to yoga with bad music :confused:. Eat lots. What the f*ck is happening to me ? !!!!!

Friday - Trying to clear rest of work for the year .. another session on the weights early evening. Eat lots.

Saturday - sort house out for Xmas. Eat lots.

Sunday - as Saturday. Plus final weights session before Xmas. Family arrive. Eat lots.

Monday - meal out in Jazz cafe w/Mum, Sister & Brother-in-law. Eat lots.

Tuesday - Big meal in. Will no doubt wind up cooking. Ah well - some things never change ! Eat lots.

Wednesday - Boxing Day Brunch out. Looks nice. Eat lots.

No plans yet for after. Will see if I am still sane by this time next week :rolleyes:. If it stops raining may go down to Devon for a bit.

Going to try something I never managed before .... getting through the entire Xmas season without having a drink. This should be interesting .... the acid test of my willpower !
Tonight - Annual Christmas dinner with friends

tomorrow - Final 5am start at work then straight to bed for the day before Christmas house party at mates which will be messy

Saturday - Off to Laaandan to meet mates from Brum. Going to Pretty Ugly in the bit next to The Egg where friend of friend is DJing then into The Egg itself for Circus (this plan is a bit up in the air though due to mate being a bit ill)

Christmas Eve - Working all day but knowing last year there will be no work to do. Then off to my parents to CHILL

Christmas Day - Just me and the parents so eating, drinking and more chilling

Boxing Day - Off to sunny Preston for a house party. Looking forward to catching up with mates I haven't seen for AGES so should be good (this is due to Winter Wonderland being cancelled last minute)

27th - End of Year Riot at Legends in Manc. LOADS of people coming out for this and the last ever event at Legends so this is already shaping up to be one of the nights of 2012

Then looking forward to a couple of days of doing sweet FA before the NYE festivities :)
Going to try something I never managed before .... getting through the entire Xmas season without having a drink. This should be interesting .... the acid test of my willpower !

On rations myself - have Buckley Senior on standby this Saturday for driving duty if need, as we're at a wedding, but other than that I'm on standby in case The Muckley (TM) comes early.

Never been sober at Xmas, but then we'll spend most of it not in the pub, unlike every year since I was 14:lol:
@wli - ran past JD's yesterday and they were doing some work on the place; better double-check they're open this sunday.

Thanks, Stivi. It was postponed from the 16th due to unfinished work on the roof. They seem confident on fb that it's going to be completed in time! Have a gr8 Christmas.
Friday - Wolves at home.
Saturday - random day of bowling and beers with a few lads
Sunday - remaining food stuffs for Xmas day
Xmas Eve - working (grim) then rush home to cook the turkey
Xmas Day - first year cooking for family in my new home
Boxing Day - Huddersfield away
Rest of the week - beers, beers and a big session on the Sunday.
Tonight - Cleaning my house ( may be persuaded to go out for one or two drinks!)

Friday, - meeting up with a friend for dinner and drinks

Saturday - I don't know how I got invited to this but I'm going to some "Dawn of the Golden age" sacred celebration where (and I'm taking this right off the poster!)

"An intentional and sacred evening to celebrate harmonic convergence on the planetary (re)Birth Day"
"Co-created intentional sacred ceremony"
"Conscious ecstatic dance party"

I will have to "respect a noble silence as I enter and present my ticket
~ You will be blessed into the space, you will place your *cleaned* special talisman/crystal/sacred item on the central alter (everyone must bring one), and set up your meditation cushion in one of the concentric circles surrounding the alter upon your arrival.
~ You are invited to greet everyone with your eyes and energy. We are journeying together to the place beyond words during ceremony. After that, feel free to whoop it up in full ecstatic celebration.

I hope I don't break out in giggles!!

Sunday - Off to Cuba!
bpm festival does look amazing...enjoy doddy:)...i look forward to the report on your return...if you do return that is!!!

i should make it back ok....and ill take it all in and report back.....we are also going to the "somewhere beyond" party which is on saturday 5th for 24hrs and its happening at the Tulum mayan ruins.....magda, troy pierce, marc houle and many more all listed inc a sepcial guest :)....i would imagine the sunday afernoon will be at the minus night beforehand so this should be a messy 24hrs..... :)
As much as I'm looking forward to seeing Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca, I'm still kind of kicking myself for not booking BPM instead.

I love that part of Mexico, the DJ line-up is insane, and my best mate will be down in the area with his dad around the same time. Plus it seems like it'd be a lot easier place to meet people since I'm traveling alone.

C'est la vie. Maybe next year. Very short hop from my parents' in Florida.

with this being the BPMs 6th year im very surprised you havent been already? :)
Quite an unremarkable Xmas coming up for me. It'll be my first Xmas (since Uni) as a visitor to the family home and pretty much a flying visit. But still really looking forward to it. I'm really missing my decks and I need at least one day (Xmas day) of completely switching off.

Saturday - Possibly play football near Old Street St. and then travel home from London on the train. London Euston to Liverpool Lime Street - a well-practiced route for me now. Sleep.
Sunday - Wrap some presents and get stuck into the first part of my End Of Year podcast. Get that posted before the end of the day.
Xmas Eve - Mix the second part of the End Of Year podcast. Start packing my stuff up for the final leg of the London move. (Computer, decks etc.) The parents are driving it down for me the following weekend. Casual pint with a very good friend of mine who is returning from traveling (Canada, Peru and Colombia) after 18 long months.
Xmas Day - A relaxing day of doing absolutely sweet FA other than eat, drink and watch TV. Will just be the parents and my brother for Xmas day this year, so nothing too demanding.
Boxing Day - Straight on the train back to London!... back to work on the 27th.

Once my parents have driven my stuff down for me and I've sorted it all out I can finally let my hair down and have a wild few weeks of clubbing. Not sure what I'm doing for NYE yet but it will involve alcohol.
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finish work stuff until 30 dec then 3nts in Paris.. Rex club on 30th for sunglasses at night: steve bug and a few other..stayin with friends is a big help they will have some good sleezy bars for us to go to NYE..:lol:
Thu: My little girls 4th birthday, can't wait to see her face when she finds her bike :) First report from school in Ibiza since my little boy started a couple of months ago:eek:

Fri: Belated birthday party for my little girly as all the kids were getting their reports on Thursday! Got to squeeze in a loada work somewhere in the day :cry:

Sat: Work, will take laptop outdoors (hopefully). Take children into Ibiza town for the fair (if it's open?)

Sun: Nice easy 15 mile run to start the day followed by a pre xmas-lunch at JD's in PDB :)

As per nostrum's post, hope this weather keeps up. It has seriously been warmer today than 90% of English summer days yet with a lovely winter feel (if that makes any sense).

Have a great weekend everyone and a seriously good xmas and new year...

didn't realise you had moved to ibiza ? either i missed that or you kept that quiet.

Maybe see you over the new year period ?
with this being the BPMs 6th year im very surprised you havent been already? :)
It was 6 years ago when I was last in that part of Mexico, so one year too early!
I think I'd heard of it since then but can't say I knew the details until the BPM thread on Spotlight this year.
Definitely going to put it on the list of possible things to do next year!

Who'd finished work today?

Not me unfortunately. As of yesterday, have something big in the offing and will be busy thoughout, even while in Tenegrief.

Tonight - home alone (well with kids in bed) so will watch a sh1t film which the missus would hate

Tomorrow - Land of Lights show for kids

Sunday - visiting my folks with the kids

Monday-Wednesday - working

Xmas Eve -3rd Jan - sunshine in the 'Reif!
Last Night: Works team night. Out until 3ish, a bit delicate this morning. Very unproductive day at work.
Saturday: Out from 12 with the lads. Fancy dress day but this year it's just sh*t xmas jumper.
Sunday: Chillout
Monday: Pub crawl again with the lads, xmas eve is always a good night out in my local town as people who you haven't seen for a while (year) are always out and about.
Xmas day: At the parents for xmas dinner then pub for the rest of the day.
Boxing Day: Cream

Just copied this from 2012 with a slight edit as not much has changed in my plans from then.
Friday: Nothing much, just chilled out in the end.
Saturday: Went to Winter Wonderland.
Sunday: Flat Christmas meal. Much turkey.
I started reading the first post and thought you were having a 3rd kid already Buckleston!

I drove my family from Wellington up to Hawkes Bay in New Zealand for my brothers wedding. Its simply stunning. Had a wonderful and emotional day. My brothers dog was the star of the show , cant seem to upload a picture unfortunately