Pre-Xmas Weekend Plans!


Well-Known Member
As some people are no doubt backing away from their screens early this week.


Tonight - working late and then hoping to do some latenight shopping
Tomorrow - work, followed by 6pm dinner with a mate over from Ireland, followed by final NCT ante-natal class
Friday - loads of work to get done (from home probably), midwife appointment and then in the evening company Xmas meal/do in Southend with overnight stay
Saturday - up early-ish, glad rags on for wedding of a good friend. Should be great - Xmas cheers in abundance with all our local mates. (My old man is on standby in case we need a designated driver - can't imagine baby Buckley will be that early but who knows)
Sunday - work, at home, followed by meeting everyone from the wedding in our local

Monday (Xmas Eve) - head to missus' Mum's in Oxfordshire
Xmas Day - MiLs still
Boxing Day - MiL still

I remember going to Camden Palace on Xmas Eve and struggling through Xmas dinner the next day. Those days are gone and this year will be my last Xmas without offspring of my own. Can't wait!

Tomorrow - Finish work at midday then there are about 30 of us going straight into Southampton for the work p*ss up. It's my first Xmas in this job, and if stories of previous years are anything to go by, it should be funny.

Friday - sleep in, finish Xmas shopping, wrap presents. In the local pub by about 5 as most are finishing work around that time and heading straight to the pub.

Saturday - Southampton vs Sunderland. Up early, train into town, boozy afternoon, football. Then it's on to out annual Xmas Hamble pub crawl in a local town. Always a good laugh but it's going to be a struggle after starting so early.

Sunday - house party in Southampton.

Monday - Another local pub. Always a good one on Xmas eve.

Xmas - Round to my mum's. My brother and sister will be there too which will be good, don't see them often.

Boxing Day - A day in the pub with the lads I go to football with, and one of those lads has a house party every Boxing Day so that's the evening sorted. Was top notch last year so looking forward to that.

A 7 day weekend. Nice!
Friday - half day, then work are laying on food/drink for us, then pub, possibly till last bus
Saturday - hangover, off to see my sis & other family, possibly stay over (tbc)
Sunday/Monday - Xmas baking & prep for Xmas dinner
Monday - Xmas eve dinner at my mum's & stay over
Tuesday - race back down the road to cook Xmas dinner for me & dad
26th - Jan 7th (tbc) - relax, live like a hermit, loads of x-box, films, eating, drinking, bit of exercise :D
Tonight - Art exhibit opening, maybe 2. Then see 2 friends' bands in concert. Get home by 11:45 to watch football.

Tomorrow - Another art exhibit opening, then the annual big holiday dinner with a big bunch of friends.

Friday - Yet another art exhibit opening, then either dinner at a friend's or the opening of a new bar, then to Gipsy for Guy Gerber, et. al. Get as little sleep as possible so as to sleep better on the plane when I...

Saturday - Fly to the good ole US of A. As per tradition, pick up some Taco Bell on the way to my parents'.

Rest of next week - Hang with the family, play with my little niece, wrap/give/open presents, watch a couple of football games, be dragged out to play golf with dad, take mom out to lunch, drink eggnog, and do enough shopping for clothes to fill up the two empty suitcases I'm taking with me.

Then it's off to Peru!
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Thurs - circuits and spin followed by pub
Friday - hungover in work, do nothing, go back the pub.
Saturday - Try and fit in a run or swim, probably afternoon pub time for the footy then meet people from the gym
Sunday - hungover circuits, try and pacify the gf, then maybe just maybe go the pub.
Monday - complete the test match of drinking sometime probably in the pub
tuesday - merry christmas! at my folks
wednesday - 7am four hourboxing day training extravanza then fly to spain till the 2nd
Jeezo thats alot of drinking Jack87:)

A quiet weekend for me... maybe a few beers at home for the Footy on the tv at weekend.....

workin Xmas Eve day and night upto 8pm :( ....
Xmas day with the family, quiet affair again.....
Boxing day - again quiet affair as working the next day.....
then Sub Club Glasgow on the 27th for Ben Klock - 4hr set.... my night off the rails :) friday :)

roll on the New year weekend thread - Fly out to Mexico on 3rd jan for the BPM festival..... oh yesss :)

Merry Xmas everyone, have a good time
roll on the New year weekend thread - Fly out to Mexico on 3rd jan for the BPM festival..... oh yesss :)
As much as I'm looking forward to seeing Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca, I'm still kind of kicking myself for not booking BPM instead.

I love that part of Mexico, the DJ line-up is insane, and my best mate will be down in the area with his dad around the same time. Plus it seems like it'd be a lot easier place to meet people since I'm traveling alone.

C'est la vie. Maybe next year. Very short hop from my parents' in Florida.
Jeezo thats alot of drinking Jack87:)

Yea I'm a bit concerned, all these events just kept being arranged and they're all sort of tradition, so can't really miss any of them! I guess Xmas day will be a day to recover, get some decent food down and set up for the following week. Must fit some runs in amongst all that if I'm going to avoid putting on seasonal weight!
friday - enjoy the apocalypse in ibiza...not sure if i'll make it down to s'era d'es mataret (the platform below torre d'es savinar, looking out on es vedra), it seems literally half the island is gathering round together there. but OK, if the world really ends (lol), there's probably no better place to be than this - and if it doesn't end, it is a great place to reunite and get the new age going.

saturday and sunday - weather forecast looks fantastic at the moment, predicting 20°C daytime and pure sun, so definitely want to enjoy the daytime hours. but saturday night looks like a good one again - francesco farfa and kabale + liebe at pacha / los suruba and andrew grant at sirocco!
Tonight: Few drinks at mine, then a cheap night out in Brighton (I've got £5 to my name at the moment)
Tomorrow: Heading back to Bristol, and getting paid.
Friday: Start research for a literature review. Out in Bristol in the evening, probably to Ramshackle.
Saturday: Off to Birmingham to see Family friends.
Sunday: Relax.
bpm festival does look amazing...enjoy doddy:)...i look forward to the report on your return...if you do return that is!!!
Tomorrow: Works team night. Pub from 3 then out for a meal at the Casino then out in to town
Friday: Company outing. They've hired out a local club from 3pm onward with the first few drinks being free carrying on with mates later on.
Saturday: Out from 12 with the lads. Fancy dress day but this year it's just sh*t xmas jumper / waistcoat. Nipping off to go to the liverpool game then meeting back up with everyone else after.
Sunday: Chillout
Monday: Pub crawl again with the lads, xmas eve is always a good night out in my local town as people who you haven't seen for a while (year) are always out and about.
Xmas day: At the parents for xmas dinner then pub for the rest of the day.
Boxing Day: Cream
My boxing day plans kind of got crushed when Insomniacz cancelled the winter wonderland event. Dunno what to do at the moment!
As some people are no doubt backing away from their screens early this week.


Tonight - working late and then hoping to do some latenight shopping
Tomorrow - work, followed by 6pm dinner with a mate over from Ireland, followed by final NCT ante-natal class
Friday - loads of work to get done (from home probably), midwife appointment and then in the evening company Xmas meal/do in Southend with overnight stay
Saturday - up early-ish, glad rags on for wedding of a good friend. Should be great - Xmas cheers in abundance with all our local mates. (My old man is on standby in case we need a designated driver - can't imagine baby Buckley will be that early but who knows)
Sunday - work, at home, followed by meeting everyone from the wedding in our local

Monday (Xmas Eve) - head to missus' Mum's in Oxfordshire
Xmas Day - MiLs still
Boxing Day - MiL still

I remember going to Camden Palace on Xmas Eve and struggling through Xmas dinner the next day. Those days are gone and this year will be my last Xmas without offspring of my own. Can't wait!


Southend!!!That's my home town, where are you eating sir? I was down there at the weekend.
friday - enjoy the apocalypse in ibiza...not sure if i'll make it down to s'era d'es mataret (the platform below torre d'es savinar, looking out on es vedra), it seems literally half the island is gathering round together there. but OK, if the world really ends (lol), there's probably no better place to be than this - and if it doesn't end, it is a great place to reunite and get the new age going.

saturday and sunday - weather forecast looks fantastic at the moment, predicting 20°C daytime and pure sun, so definitely want to enjoy the daytime hours. but saturday night looks like a good one again - francesco farfa and kabale + liebe at pacha / los suruba and andrew grant at sirocco!

My fingers are firmly crossed the good weather lasts !!
Thu: My little girls 4th birthday, can't wait to see her face when she finds her bike :) First report from school in Ibiza since my little boy started a couple of months ago:eek:

Fri: Belated birthday party for my little girly as all the kids were getting their reports on Thursday! Got to squeeze in a loada work somewhere in the day :cry:

Sat: Work, will take laptop outdoors (hopefully). Take children into Ibiza town for the fair (if it's open?)

Sun: Nice easy 15 mile run to start the day followed by a pre xmas-lunch at JD's in PDB :)

As per nostrum's post, hope this weather keeps up. It has seriously been warmer today than 90% of English summer days yet with a lovely winter feel (if that makes any sense).

Have a great weekend everyone and a seriously good xmas and new year...
@wli - ran past JD's yesterday and they were doing some work on the place; better double-check they're open this sunday.