Porn Film Names

Chitty Chitty Gang Bang

Lawrence Of A Labia

I Know What You Did Up The Bummer

Man On The Poon

Schindler's Fist


I expect it's an eye-wateringly explicit version of the children's fairy-story in which an entirely slutty snow-white is made airtight buy some of the nastiest sex-dwarves ever committed to celluloid.

I'd be surprised if the Prince wanted anything to do with the little slapper after that lot.

Still, it's got to be better that 'Lady Of The Rings' (the porn version of 'Lord of The Rings') which apparently has stoops as low as sex-orcs which is the last thing anyone wants to see.

I dread to think what Gandalf does with his staff in that.
I expect it's an eye-wateringly explicit version of the children's fairy-story in which an entirely slutty snow-white is made airtight buy some of the nastiest sex-dwarves ever committed to celluloid.

I'd be surprised if the Prince wanted anything to do with the little slapper after that lot./quote]

correctamundo!!!! :lol: never seen it then i take it? :p
correctamundo!!!! :lol: never seen it then i take it? :p


Not that I have anything against sex-dwarves per se, it's just after about five minutes of viewing, that sort of thing hazes into one indistinguishable mass of pulsating pink bits, gaping stretched bits and glued-shut eyelids.

May aswell go and masturbate infront of the local butcher's window.

Although that kind of thing tends to upset all the shoppers, not to mention the butcher.

Not that I have anything against sex-dwarves per se, it's just after about five minutes of viewing, that sort of thing hazes into one indistinguishable mass of pulsating pink bits, gaping stretched bits and glued-shut eyelids.

May aswell go and masturbate infront of the local butcher's window.

Although that kind of thing tends to upset all the shoppers, not to mention the butcher.

wasnt dwarfs mate ....more like basketball team plus the sub :L
and it was more for laughable viewing with others rather than blinds closed and at the ready :lol::lol::lol: