Popbitch GOLD - Obama and Sachs g/daughter



A knock is heard on the pearly gates.
Saint Peter looks out of heaven and says,
"Who's there?"
A voice answers: "Barack Obama".
Saint Peter asks "Who are you?"
The voice: "I used to be President of the
United States"
Saint Peter: Really? When did you become President?
Obama: Yesterday.

Well, it seems that Voluptua might know
something herself about humiliation - as we've
found a recent porn movie, in which someone who looks
very much like her is enjoying a good spanking,
Max Mosley style. And the lovely blonde with the
strap-on? Why, is it another celebrity? We're
told she looks a lot like of the dominatrixes from
the recent Max Mosley spanking privacy case. How A-list!
"I feel totally and utterly exposed", Georgina
told The Sun. Quite.
See some stills of the film here:
(Video coming very soon!)

Dude... Obama joke seriously not funny. The concern about him getting assassinated is pretty real :confused:
Sorry chap.

I know him or Hilary getting elected is the Secret Services worst nightmare for sure.