I go cos its a job, but I love my job.
Have you ever been to a club when it's closed? Theres something nice about sitting with the lights up, seeing it before its dirty, or, helping clean it from the night before, and relaxing with low music and no disco lights maybe a day before the gig. Theres something very, responsible about it.
Then, on the night. The mad rush to get all the lights up and sound checks done. The fear of hoping your promotions worked and that people will come. Thats a huge stress, I hate that bit. Then, the waiting to play.
You've allready been there hours before the place has even opened and by the time the 2nd Dj has played all you can think about is your warm bed. But then, you get the chance to play and for everyone who clicked 'To Dance' thats when you bond with them.
That's when you pick out who clicked 'To dance' and you see how pretty they are and they see that you clicked 'To get laid'
No but really. I clicked none of the above because I don't go for any of those reasons. Nor do I go to get paid. I go out of duty and respect for those who have clicked any of the above reasons, or have clicked 'all of the above' reasons.