PMSL today...


Active Member
this has just made my day - one of my bosses wife has just given birth to triplets...

Artaminta, Rosebud and Cecily - friggin hell - feel like I am in a Jilly Cooper novel!!!

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: oh my days - just cheered up a right crappy day...8)
Wow, great names!

Speaking of great names, I ran into a girl I used to know at university a couple of weeks ago and she had a baby boy called Cletus!!!
Wow, great names!

Speaking of great names, I ran into a girl I used to know at university a couple of weeks ago and she had a baby boy called Cletus!!!

The slacked Jaw yokel
Talking of silly names, a girl who lives here (an ex of my best friend) made people chuckle when she called her daughter Enigma a couple of years ago. Yes she is a little chavvy. :lol:

But get this, she gave birth to a son a few weeks ago, and they have called him Kaos (chaos with a 'k') :eek: Poor little mite, that boarders on child abuse IMO. What a stupid stupid name :rolleyes:

Enigma and Kaos :lol:
Love the music of Enigma, and do like slightly different names but there is a very fine line between 8) and :spank:

Not being into showbiz etc, I have no idea what the Harper Seven is all about, anyone??
Love the music of Enigma, and do like slightly different names but there is a very fine line between 8) and :spank:

Not being into showbiz etc, I have no idea what the Harper Seven is all about, anyone??

Harper's Bazaar is a posh fashion mag for ladies what lunch and Seven I assume cos of his player number?

kinda makes sense now doesnt it :lol:
Not being into showbiz etc, I have no idea what the Harper Seven is all about, anyone??
I think the 7 refers to her being born in the 7th hour and 7th month and she weighed 7 pounds.

Harper because Posh was obviously reading a magazine :lol:
Harper's Bazaar is a posh fashion mag for ladies what lunch and Seven I assume cos of his player number?

kinda makes sense now doesnt it :lol:

I think the 7 refers to her being born in the 7th hour and 7th month and she weighed 7 pounds.

Harper because Posh was obviously reading a magazine :lol:

Thanks, I feel enlightened:D

So it wouldn't be remiss to surmise they have cut a deal with said magazine?
Artaminta, Rosebud and Cecily

Sounds like the kids I was camping next to at Glasto. Along with Piers, Forbes and Henry.

They got muntered every night, rolled around like pigs in their own sh*t all weekend and had to call a medic out early on Sunday morning as Piers was feeling a little peaky from all the 'heroin' they'd done. Hilarious! :lol: