Please tell me I'm wrong

If Barbie is a referance to Godskitchen..........then nothing has been confirmed yet.

Maybe Mc Rackin would know more
If Barbie is a reference to the former Spotlight stalwart (and still all-time top poster, I think), she's not been around much lately.

Perhaps if we say her name really loud she can hear us over there on Facebook :lol:

As for loud music daytime, you will have to get your fix of dancing in the sunlight during the hours of 4:30 - sunset. But some of the beach parties that popped up evenings in Playa den Bossa last season were a more than suitable substitute.
Yes, of course.
At places like Bora Bora, for example, you can hear the music on the beach in the early afternoons. They just don't turn it up loud until 4:30.
Isnt barbie off on her travels around the world with her man?? I think there was a post about this some time ago but i may be wrong!!
Isnt barbie off on her travels around the world with her man?? I think there was a post about this some time ago but i may be wrong!!

I can report Barbie is 100% in the UK as I saw her at Ealing Browadway station about a month ago!! .... I also believe she has taken up running :lol::lol::lol::lol:
:lol::lol::lol::lol: Barbie's normal service has been resumed - I believe she was chucking some shapes at Danny Krivit at the weekend....

I am still shuddering at the thought of the aftershow related activities this Easter's post clubbing - I am sooooo detoxing til Cyprus..... :?
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