Piers Morgn on Roy Keane


Active Member
I am not a mail reader but read this article at the gym......

Nothing new but a succinct summing up of the vile piece of work some people idolise for reasons unknown.

I once had a nasty boss. We're not talking just slightly unpleasant here, we're talking spectacularly vile. The kind of man who screamed abuse at you so loudly his eyeballs would bulge and his neck veins would throb, who would cackle if he made you cry and who would expend so much energy insulting you that he would be left literally gasping for breath by the end of his tirades. He once rang me at 8am on Boxing Day, furiously demanding that I come into work. Then, when I left my family to drive the two hours to get there, smirked: 'I was only joking, you ****.'

In many ways, he was the media version of Sir Alex Ferguson. But, as with Fergie, he spawned a number of pale imitators at all levels of his empire, those who wanted to be like him but couldn't hold a candle to his character and who lacked any of the good bits that tempered the nastiness. Anyone can be a bully. But few can do it in a manner that inspires people to walk over hot coals. Which brings me to Roy Keane.
Reading Dwight Yorke's rather extraordinary revelations about his time playing under 'Keano' at Sunderland, I realised I had severely underestimated just how revolting Keane is. Don't get me wrong. I always thought he was a bone-headed, foul-mouthed thug. But the sheer scale of his charmlessness had eluded my attention until now.
Yorke told how, during one half-time break, Keane asked the Sunderland kit man to put up the tactics board, then ran over, kung-fu kicked it, slapped his captain around the head and told his team: 'I can't trust any of you any more.'
In training sessions, he subjected his players to a stream of vicious lecturing or abuse if they misplaced a pass. As Yorke told him: 'Gaffer, you're scaring the s*** out of the players.'

Keane, though, didn't care. He played constant mind games with star players, dropping them, berating them and treating them like dirt. He even turned on the fans. All of which made the club a paranoid, festering, fearful place.
None of this would have mattered if Sunderland were winning trophies. But they weren't. They were getting stuffed out of sight most weeks and their boss showed all the tactical nous of a lobotomised turkey.
Eventually, Yorke says, the players stopped feeling scared of Keane and started openly moaning about him. The spell was broken and he quit soon afterwards.
Now we're watching a similar scenario unfurl at Ipswich. We don't know precisely what's going on behind closed doors. But we can all see that Keane's beginning to come to the boil again.
His team are on the worst losing streak in their history, the fans have started booing and the manager is in full-on, jut-jawed defence mode. It can only be a matter of time before he destroys the tactics board - it probably took a hammering again yesterday at Barnsley - whacks his skipper and runs off home again to his dog.
Keane wants to be Ferguson. Desperately. But he doesn't have an ounce of his former boss's talent, nor any of the charm, loyalty and humour that lurks behind Sir Alex's bullying exterior and which has inspired so many great United teams to rise up under his tenure.
All Roy Keane has is the nastiness -and that's not enough.

full article (c) dailymail

Personally I think Piers Morgan knows about as much about football as he does about talent, how the **** this imbecile has jobs relating to both is beyond me.

**** off back under the rock you ****.

(REALLY hate this cock if you hadn't noticed. Don't like Roy Keane much either)
Personally I think Piers Morgan knows about as much about football as he does about talent, how the **** this imbecile has jobs relating to both is beyond me.

**** off back under the rock you ****.

(REALLY hate this cock if you hadn't noticed. Don't like Roy Keane much either)


I wouldn't disagree with much of that although I have no reason to hate the guy.

Football doesn't need people like Keane involved at any level, he should be excluded from working within the sport, period.
Personally I think Piers Morgan knows about as much about football as he does about talent, how the **** this imbecile has jobs relating to both is beyond me.

**** off back under the rock you ****.

(REALLY hate this cock if you hadn't noticed. Don't like Roy Keane much either)

Personally I think Piers Morgan knows about as much about football as he does about talent, how the **** this imbecile has jobs relating to both is beyond me.

**** off back under the rock you ****.

(REALLY hate this cock if you hadn't noticed. Don't like Roy Keane much either)

Piers Morgan is vile :lol:
Piers Morgan is a media man who has made a lot of money and will continue to make a lot of money out of the celebrity circus. It will make him enemies but like he gives a XXXX

Dwight Yorke is an ex-footballer eager to milk his last moments in the spotlight

Roy Keane is an ex-footballer who was a good (albeit violent) footballer who thus far hasn't proved a great manager
Fixed that for you...

Piers Morgan is a media man who has made a lot of money and will continue to make a lot of money out of the celebrity circus. It will make him enemies but like he gives a XXXX

Dwight Yorke is an ex-footballer eager to milk his last moments in the spotlight

Roy Keane is an ex-footballer who was a cnut, is still a cnut and will always be a cnut