Picking up girls in the clubs

Toni Hanna

New Member
First of all, I know that this is an awkward subject, and maybe the admins will delete this post, but anyway I hope that the replies are going to be meaningful and helpful :)
I was never in Ibiza, I went to a different "party resort", called Golden Sands in Bulgaria. I had two purposes from my trip: relax, and meet girls :)My girlfriend left me two months before the trip so I was "desperate" to meet girls. I went with a friend who is not so close to me, so we disagreed on a lot of things, and we did not help each other during the night (he did not want to be my wing-man) I am a tall, average looking guy, not muscled, but I don't have experience in the clubbing and pickup scene.

It seems like this community here is open-minded and friendly. And I need some advice on how to get acquainted with girls in nightclubs (I think it is called "pickup" in Europe and US), because last summer, in Golden Sands, I wanted to meet girls, but my method of getting acquainted with them in the night clubs was wrong... I went to the night clubs, drank a little bit on the bar ( not a lot, I was not drunk!), and then I went to the dance floor and tried to dance with a girl who is dancing with her friend(s)..99% of the time, the girl did not give me a chance, the other 1%, I danced with the girl and after 2 minutes, we had a little chat("name, country"), she went back to her friend, so I had to dance with another girl, and so on.. I danced with all the girls in the night clubs and all of them rejected me..o_O

I am sure this community has some "pickup tips" that can be shared with me and everyone who needs them to help me meet someone because I am going there again this summer! I would love to hear from your experiences, and if you can give me some real examples with details, that would be awesome :cool:
Don't overload your pick up!
Hahahaha really funny joke :) I know that this is not the best place to ask for such weird advice, but anyways, if somebody has some tips and doesn't want to share them on this thread, you can always inbox me :) thanks for the people who sent me messages before, I appreciate it!
A good grip on the hips from behind, then lift. Placing them on your shoulders afterwards is optional.
If you didn't have any luck in golden
sands Ibiza sure will be a challenge.;) You will have a better chance to talk to girls in ibiza thats for sure. Golden sands would be more cave man tactics from what I remember.
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First of all, I know that this is an awkward subject, and maybe the admins will delete this post, but anyway I hope that the replies are going to be meaningful and helpful :)
I was never in Ibiza, I went to a different "party resort", called Golden Sands in Bulgaria. I had two purposes from my trip: relax, and meet girls :)My girlfriend left me two months before the trip so I was "desperate" to meet girls. I went with a friend who is not so close to me, so we disagreed on a lot of things, and we did not help each other during the night (he did not want to be my wing-man) I am a tall, average looking guy, not muscled, but I don't have experience in the clubbing and pickup scene.

It seems like this community here is open-minded and friendly. And I need some advice on how to get acquainted with girls in nightclubs (I think it is called "pickup" in Europe and US), because last summer, in Golden Sands, I wanted to meet girls, but my method of getting acquainted with them in the night clubs was wrong... I went to the night clubs, drank a little bit on the bar ( not a lot, I was not drunk!), and then I went to the dance floor and tried to dance with a girl who is dancing with her friend(s)..99% of the time, the girl did not give me a chance, the other 1%, I danced with the girl and after 2 minutes, we had a little chat("name, country"), she went back to her friend, so I had to dance with another girl, and so on.. I danced with all the girls in the night clubs and all of them rejected me..o_O

I am sure this community has some "pickup tips" that can be shared with me and everyone who needs them to help me meet someone because I am going there again this summer! I would love to hear from your experiences, and if you can give me some real examples with details, that would be awesome :cool:

Just a suggestion, maybe brush up on your dancing technique rather than your picking up technique?? Just an idea like..
Intresting subject...... I am going to ibiza this summer with my gf and we are thinking of a hall pass for both of us.... any intersting tips for me guys????
Around Mambo and Cafe Del Mar during the sunset is good... if you have a few spare beers to offer around or a bottle of vodka and a few plastic cups you never know who you'll meet... :)
Don't try to pick up girls in a club. Most of them will only get with you if you've seen each other somewhere earlier and have already exchanged some banter (well, if they've got any sense anyway !). I find a car comes in handy - can't count the number of girls I've given a lift to and then gone out with a day or so later after exchanging numbers. Sometimes two at a time if I'm very lucky :eek: ... play it cool and chat normally. If you don't click with each other out of bed then you're very unlikely to be a good match in it ! If you don't have a car then try the hotel pool bar. Bit of fun and frolicks often leads to more.

I'll crawl back into my "dirty old git" box now !
99% of the time, the girl did not give me a chance, the other 1%, I danced with the girl and after 2 minutes, we had a little chat("name, country"), she went back to her friend, so I had to dance with another girl, and so on.. I danced with all the girls in the night clubs and all of them rejected me..o_O

Female psychology tip - no girl is going to give you a chance if she's seen a load of other girls reject you.

Go ugly early. :D
Just make friends with as many girls on the beach as you can. Offer them drinks at the bar later and find out what clubs they are heading to. Never look desperate. Just play it cool and let the girls come to you!

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With all the Brass thats on the island these days i would forget about buying drinks and go straight to Casa Boobies.