Pay as you go credit cards


New Member
Hi do a pay as you go credit card voucher you top it up and buy online could I use one of these for my tickets? would I get stung at the door as you dont actually get a credit card as such.
very interesting question mr.x - at first glance i say no, you won't be able to use it, but that would be a shame.

let me investigate a bit more. get back to you soon
can you print off the 3v voucher which shows the 3v card number - then they can check off the last 4 digits.

i don't see a problem with this, because i would personally explain to each club door this process (i.e. that they shouldn't check a real card, but check the voucher)

how does that sound?
Hi James,

Thanks for getting back, as far as I know you can print off the voucher and it will have the number on it I have yet to use one so I will check and let you know asap.

But yeah it would be great if you could arrange that do you think there will be any issues on the door? can you let us know for sure when you have spoken to them before I go ahead and buy them.
