Paul Taylor Will Not Be playing Every Retro


Active Member
If anybody knows or has been to retro then you will know that Paul Taylor is retro. If its not him Dj'ing tyhen there's no point going.

Its being advertised that paul taylor is doing a 5 hour set every saturday this season.

NO HE ISNT in his own words from his website

The only Saturday I’ll stay in the UK will be for our regular 2nd Saturday of the month gig at the Uk’ s largest clubbing event – The mighty Tall Trees.

the pr people will still tell you that he is playing but he wont be
well club m does come first i reckon - 7000 people!!!

the second sat of august retro isn;t on anyway cos its uules and fergie doing the essential mix from eden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i'll be there ............c'mon
I saw Danny Whitehead play at Retro Talltrees just after new year and he was just as good if not better than Paul Taylor 8O

But in Ibiza last yr some local guy played at Retro after Paul Taylor's set and the tunes he was playing were good, but he couldn't mix for s**t, it was embarrasing! So if Paul Taylor isn't on this year I dont know if i want to waste my money on some guy that cant mix! :? Shame coz Retro is good in England 8) :D
Rach said:
I saw Danny Whitehead play at Retro Talltrees just after new year and he was just as good if not better than Paul Taylor 8O

But in Ibiza last yr some local guy played at Retro after Paul Taylor's set and the tunes he was playing were good, but he couldn't mix for s**t, it was embarrasing! So if Paul Taylor isn't on this year I dont know if i want to waste my money on some guy that cant mix! :? Shame coz Retro is good in England 8) :D

paul taylor is on this year every week except the second saturdays of the month cos he;s on at tall trees then instead
i went to Retro a couple of years ago....

me and my mate were just at Kilties having a few libations when we started talking to some other Scottish guys - a few more libations later and we were leaving Retro at 7am!!!

was a good night - i think...
The local bloke was possibly Ray Davies who guested at virtually every night at eden last year before hooking up with the gap toothed gypsy this year.....

Personally i wouldn't p1ss on Paul Taylor from a great height.... each time i've been he's ruined so many tunes by playing the dancing diva's remix (or similar) so that he can seamlessly (sic) mix them together............ Sorry personal opinion please discuss!

that is all
I think it can be hit and miss with him...some months he on top form, then sometimes he can go through a phase where he tries to be 'different' and play other tunes, such as crappy re-mixes or weird stuff that is more trancey than house...not typical retro tunes that most people would like to hear. Since it tends to be the same tunes being played every month he sometimes thinks he can introduce the crowd to something new, but I thought the whole point of 'Retro' is to play something old!!!

I have had some amazing nights there though, and only a couple of times where I thought he was doing it all wrong!
I'm sure that there are plenty of other DJ's who can play the old skool stuff just as well. TBH going to that kind of night is more about the tunes for me rather than the DJ although after going to Retro at the end of June I won't be going again as it was the deadest club I have ever been in in my life!