Paul Merton's Adventures

What did you find embarrassing?
Paul Merton? What was covered? Ibiza in general?
You need to elaborate a bit more on this one, please.
Dunno - the choice of interview subjects (tranny excluded), intermittent trance tat and 18-30s turnout I guess.

Guru Josh's Infinity??? Was that ever any good the first time around? Self promoting wally imo.

It was a step above the usual TV coverage but didn't capture the Balearic spirit at all - until they shot the locals.

Lovely to see the Benhirras drummers again though - I love drumming circles in Ibiza.
Dunno - the choice of interview subjects (tranny excluded), intermittent trance tat and 18-30s turnout I guess.

Guru Josh's Infinity??? Was that ever any good the first time around? Self promoting wally imo.

It was a step above the usual TV coverage but didn't capture the Balearic spirit at all - until they shot the locals.

Lovely to see the Benhirras drummers again though - I love drumming circles in Ibiza.

When producing TV it has to be entertaining to a mass market, so a balance has to be struck between the tat and the substantial.

It was hard to convince some people to participate due to the one bitten twice shy experience locals had with previous TV productions on Ibiza.

I was involved a little with the production and I can tell you that they did try to capture the Balearic spirit and their agenda was true from the start. There were some good stories that did not work out due to various reasons but hopefully it will change peoples attitude to the Island.
I've just watched this,smiled through most of it,didn't feel the need to shout at the TV once.
A rare case of positivity for the island compared to what has gone before.
Great production - it's actually nicely balanced and great to get more representative coverage of the island and its people aired rather than just more sensationalist superclub stuff.

He doesn't half stand out like a sore thumb tho' .. it was only the trannies who managed to get Paul Merton merging in with the scenery anywhere outside of the BBC villa tho' (or maybe KM5 on a Tuesday night :lol:) .. he looked throughout like a refugee from Tuscany :rolleyes: and was only just starting to relax when it was time to go. One more day and even he might have shed his worries :).

Think they should have made him walk up to the Torre @ Es Vedra too .. he got off far too lightly stopping at that platform. ;)
Great production - it's actually nicely balanced and great to get more representative coverage of the island and its people aired rather than just more sensationalist superclub stuff.

He doesn't half stand out like a sore thumb tho' .. it was only the trannies who managed to get Paul Merton merging in with the scenery anywhere outside of the BBC villa tho' (or maybe KM5 on a Tuesday night :lol:) .. he looked throughout like a refugee from Tuscany :rolleyes: and was only just starting to relax when it was time to go. One more day and even he might have shed his worries :).

Think they should have made him walk up to the Torre @ Es Vedra too .. he got off far too lightly stopping at that platform. ;)
Watched it last night. Generally agree with the above.

I did get a bit annoyed with him going on and on about hedonism and inhibitions. But I suppose he needed an 'angle'.

And I really want to ride that water jet pack Guru Josh was playing around with :!:
:lol: @ his manager desperately trying to manage the situation, "He's a really REALLY nice bloke, really really nice. Just look under the surface etc"

Translation, "I know you're going to think he's a tw@t and it's my job to ensure his media image stays intact."
Im sure his manager was just some boy they got talking to on the beach!

I enjoyed it. Was a struggle to watch it through the cringier bits (Guru Josh, the silent disco, the trance overdubs), but it was well made and the bit with the hippy dude going on about his drug problem was priceless.

You know what you're gonna get with Paul Merton though. I think he did a good job trying to show a wee bit of everything the island has to offer. I sat and watched it with my Mum and Dad and they were in stitches (and were talking about maybe coming over in April with me next year!).
I sat and watched it with my Mum and Dad and they were in stitches (and were talking about maybe coming over in April with me next year!).

Going by the feedback on the social networks looks like that show has contrubuited in changing some people preconceptions of Ibiza which is always a positive thing especially after the bad press created by the various "Uncovered" programmes.

I am a bit baffled about they way Guru Josh is getting a lot of stick here, it's not like we never encountered anybody like that in Ibiza before at some point or another. :lol:
as a reference for places to avoid?

(or am I being unfair?)

You will always find a "Guru Josh" in almost every part of the island alongside other colorful carachters but isn't this what makes Ibiza a bit special?
According to someone on Twitter, GJ really is a nice guy, he even helps people with fitting their Sky dishes in his spare time! ;)
And I really want to ride that water jet pack Guru Josh was playing around with :!:

No idea if those can be hired commercially yet (someone's insurance company is probably still trying to find a box on their system to fit it in... ) - more like yachting accessories to use with a jetski.

It was very Peter Sellers ... I was imagining all sorts of comedy sketches as he took off with it !