party-defining tunes (old and new)

There is something *expletive* remarkable about EDM anthems - old, and new.

I think there's a feeling inside you get that's like -connected- to everything and everyone; a real universal vibe, and one that makes us unite.

Something special has happened for us and when we hear "Sandstorm" or "Zombie Nation" or "Around the World" (all old for the sake of relatability) or also new songs like "Turn Me On", "Jackie Chan", and "Never Be The Same" we're taken in and brought to something magical. We are one, united, and so strong.

I think it's awesome.

& here's

3LAU - Tokyo feat. XIRA (Official Music Video)​

What about "Violently Happy"?

I remember when I was getting into partying this song stood out among the rest. It was already old though.

Good beat!