party-defining tunes (old and new)

Apologies will have probably posted this on here a few times already but it's been a long day now sitting on a balcony with a spliff and cold one and it sounds as incredible as it did all those years ago;

Was at the Subclub all dayer in the Barras here in Glasgow then Subby after for Harri and Dom, absolutely tremendous day

Will add one poor thing. First time in the Subby in a few years and wow it's changed, I remember when it was 500 guys tuned to the moon having a great time, now full of burds in heels pictures galore, bouncer outside the cubicles permanently as well, changed daysb

Heard the above today as well, no idea who spun it but been a while
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Moodyman also incredible last night. Only stayed for first 45 then left to go to the pub before the Sub Club. Bonkers, started at 2pm, half empty up until 8pm then all the youth piled in. Thing finished at 11!

I said to one young guy why you come so late and he said it's better to sit in a flat until it gets busy....