Parking in Ibiza town


Active Member
I understand from friends the car park I have used for years which we call 'the gypsy' car park is now closed!

I'm flying out this week and planned a trip to Formenterra for the day from Ibiza town. So now i'm wondering where to park for the day?

Any suggestions?
... It says free buses from 19.00 to 02.00.
Is there none in the day?
Free Transport

The Town Hall began a free bus service from last Monday which will connect
the two main car parks on the outskirts of town with the centre.
The car parks affected are des Gorg, and the disused space next door
to the cinema complex.

The Councillor for Transport, Joan Rubio, announced buses would leave
every 15 minutes from 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.,
although the timetable would be extended if necessary.

He also announced there would be security guards present during these times
to guarantee the safety of tourists and locals using the service.
just got back and i can confirm that the gypsy car park is still in business, costs you 5 euros for a safe parking, they even give out tickets now!!