Pacha magazine online

Count down for PAcha magazine starts as of today. 5 Issues this summer instead of 4.. First issue out May 15th stay tuned..

in related news, for the first time ever N&D magazine also released a winter edition. available in miami in april and in ibiza/formentera in may, although you can see it online already:

miami -
ibiza -

nice . but would have preferred 3 naked women -
instead of 2 naked women and 1 naked bloke 8O:twisted:
I just got given the Pacha 40th anniversary book, it is a coffee table book so is very large, it is all about the history of the franchise, and about Ibiza. It is written by a local photographer (cant remember the name) and features all his pictures from over the years. It is really nice. 8)

And strangley enough can't find anything about it on here or the net. It obviously has the date 1967-2007 on the front, and the main picture on the front id of a black girl with the Pacha cherries in her mouth and on her ear rings.

Does anyone know anything about it, is it limited edtition, can you still get them ???? :?