Pacha - do you recommend it?


New Member
I've been wondering whether to bother with Pacha or not. We didn't go last year, but the irony is that it's only about 10 mins walk from where we stay.

Me and the b/f are not glamourous clubbers - more like covered in mud rave in a field ravers. Bit concerned that Pacha is posy - would we even get in wearing trainers?

Would really appreciate your thoughts and experiences.

I've been wondering whether to bother with Pacha or not. We didn't go last year, but the irony is that it's only about 10 mins walk from where we stay.

Me and the b/f are not glamourous clubbers - more like covered in mud rave in a field ravers. Bit concerned that Pacha is posy - would we even get in wearing trainers?

Would really appreciate your thoughts and experiences.


I was on holiday with my missus, kids & another couple plus their kids last year. We met up with a group of lads from back home who were out there on a stag do. Believe me they are not your posy types! We headed down to pacha for FMIF, the lads had their check shirts and lacoste t-shirts on to the max! They are more your mature chav types in their early 30's :).

All that aside, we had a great night! No problems getting in, just don't go too late. It was really packed later, but as I say it was a really good night!
You should definately go, best vibe on the island as far as i`m concerned. recommend subliminal on a Wednesday, super crowd, super Dj`s. Went Space last year for a We Love party and thought it was pants compared to Pacha, and if its only 10mins away from your digs it would be rude not to. Also i am far from a posy type, much more football and beer if you catch my drift.
great pics icebaer69, made me laugh. I like football dosn`t mean i dress like a t**t and have been sponsored by burberry. I`m 28 after all not 17. Anyway Hoofcake Defected should be just as good, never been myself but only ever heard good reports. Can I borrow your glowsticks ice baer?????????????????????
Thanks all for your thoughts.


We're not beery chavs that listen to straight house either. B/f is a proper died in the wool old skool hardcore/techno raver. Me, I'm nu skool, old fart, proper electro from back in the day day day day - I mean - early 80s.

If it wasn't so damned expensive, it wouldn't be an issue - we'd be there. Wanted to go to FMIF last year. Feel less inclined now - not so much "Kissy Sell out" as "Guetta sell out" - chart topping tracks with Kelly Rowland my arse!

Fancy SHM but.

Another tip, if you dine in the Pacha restaurant and spend a certain amount you automatically gain free entrance to the club, worth checking beforehand but that was the case last year.
Another tip, if you dine in the Pacha restaurant and spend a certain amount you automatically gain free entrance to the club, worth checking beforehand but that was the case last year.

Yes - I heard this from a friend. Might be an option, so long as dinner doesn't cost E300!!

Not sure where to check it out - any ideas anyone?