hugoboss said:
You have to eat, right???? Take your time at dinner... don't order too much food, just enough.... Then take it easy @ the club for a few hours. Then once you've relaxed a little, kick it into overdrive!!!!

If you start dinner between 10-12... then the club won't start getting filled until 2am... So you have a few hours to just chill and take the whole place in... At least that's my plan....

Nah it's just not for me, even in this country they're 2 completely separate things for me - going out for nice food and clubbing. If I'm going out clubbing I'll have a light salad early evening and that's me done with, anything else and I would just feel bloated and wouldn't be able to get into it, fortunately my b/friend is exactly the same way so for us Pacha restaurant would be waste of time.
I normally have a meal or snack late afternoon about 5.00 or 6.00, so at least I know I've digested my food properly before dancing. Nothing worse then feeling bloated while dancing.
Ibiza-girlie said:
well I wrote: a nice meal: NOT a huge meal hihi 8) my dresses would be all tight and i would feel like miss piggy after that! a light dinner,fish - steamed greens and some whine would be the preferred dinner! cant wait...

I can't even stomach that before a night out clubbing, I think me and Tom just have little stomachs :P
well we were looking at this but given that i'd have to eat late i think it might be a no-no for us (i'm diabetic)

Barbie you are lucky! if i could lose half a stone in one week i would be happy! hihi, me and the husband are gourmets, we LIKE food, and unfortunately food likes us (meaning that those punds get on easily) whats your trick??
Ibiza-girlie said:
Barbie you are lucky! if i could lose half a stone in one week i would be happy! hihi, me and the husband are gourmets, we LIKE food, and unfortunately food likes us (meaning that those punds get on easily) whats your trick??

No me and Tom love good food, we're always eating out in FLT, I think we've just both got fast metabolisms.
I HAVE to eat close to going out cos my metabolism is quite fast.

If I don't - I start feeling really hungry when I'm in a club and i start feeling weak :?

Still think we're gonna give Pacha restaurant a go though, GF will only have a salad or something light - she never eats big before going out.
I eat a lot but eat quite healthy
On holiday i ate more than usual as the hotel food was so good and it was a buffet plus we ate out quite a few times. I put on about 5 pounds on holiday which was also due to the fact that for about 5 days of the holiday i was pretty inactive.
hmmm sometimes I gain, sometimes I don´t - nice melas and all the wine isnt so good for the diet, but it would be a shame to think about tha whilst holiday´ing, right D-Funky? 8)
Wine isn't all that fattening, despite the myth.

Beer is and anything you mix with soft drinks eg. coke/lemonade.

Stick to the wine ladies.

you don't want to be worrying about your weight when on holiday. just enjoy the food and drink while you can
dfunky said:
you don't want to be worrying about your weight when on holiday. just enjoy the food and drink while you can

exactly...well done dfunky.

the most sensible and normal post in this whole thread

DrewUK said:
Well, we'll all get plenty of exercise to burn off those cals :?

I was reading an article a few weeks ago and it was about burning calories without really trying and one way was dancing which it said could burn up to 300 calories an hour. I did my sums :P and figured that on a Space session I am normally dancing for the best part of 12 hours, 12x300 calories = 3,600 calories :D

I'm a big believer of dancing being the best form of exercise :P :D