The training camp were there in Afghanistan and they have been dismantled.
thousands of lives lost and for what?
Did I just hear that Obama is expected to announce on thursday that 30,000 troops will be removed from Afghanistan next year?
Yes,I think I did.
The US was happy to fund the most vicious and dangerous elements of the mujahideen regardless of their ideology when it suited the agenda of the US president.
The training camps have simply moved, there can be no claims of victory by the west on this, thousands of lives lost and for what?
If you were on the ground you would have seen a positive change in the Afghani lives. The people there are happy the Taliban are no longer in charge. Is it a victory no it is not, a positive step the people there think so. You can support the troop without being blinded by the political hubris.
If you were on the ground you would have seen a positive change in the Afghani lives. The people there are happy the Taliban are no longer in charge. Is it a victory no it is not, a positive step the people there think so. You can support the troop without being blinded by the political hubris.
The Mujahideen did not sprout the Taliban. Read the following story, it is enlightening.
Interesting article, Jay.
I was going back further when referring to the US helping setup the Taliban. I was being devils advocate, but CIA documents show the US supplied money and arms directly to Bin Laden at the time during and after the Afghan war with the Soviet army. Various documentaries have shown the Taliban (the extreme faction of the original mujahideen) would never have gained power post soviet war if the West had continued to fund the more liberal majahideen (as they had become).
This is my basic understanding of the history of the Taliban / Bin Laden / majahideen.