Our blog...


Active Member
Well since there has been so much talk about blogs lately :!: I thought it would be a good idea for me and Jon to have one whilst we're away, to keep an online record of our travels.
Not being a computer whizz myself, it's pretty basic, but I put it together last night ans think it looks ok :p

Anyway, if anyone wants to have a peek on it in the near future and see how we're getting on whilst travelling around Asia, the address is:

Great idea, I am very interested in your Blog, in summer 2008 me and friends are going to India so i am looking foward to reading about it as I see is you first stop!! :D
Great idea, I am very interested in your Blog, in summer 2008 me and friends are going to India so i am looking foward to reading about it as I see is you first stop!! :D

You never know it might read:

15th Nov - arrived in Delhi
16th Nov - realised we arent cut out for travelling and booked next flight home :lol:
That looks great Bec :D I do expect personal e-mails from you both tho as well so you can tell us all the censored stuff that you can't put in a blog :lol: ;)
You never know it might read:

15th Nov - arrived in Delhi
16th Nov - realised we arent cut out for travelling and booked next flight home :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It was like Friday night Jon rings me up to find out which pub I was in and goes 'godknows how we're going to travel round Asia when we can't even get to the right pub in Soho' :lol: ;)
That looks great Bec :D I do expect personal e-mails from you both tho as well so you can tell us all the censored stuff that you can't put in a blog :lol: ;)

Oh definately... we have a long email list aswell ;) I should be able to email everyone every week or every 2 weeks. I just thought it would be a nice idea to have a blog for family and friends who might not have access to an email (like my parents :rolleyes: ) or just people in general who might want to see how we're getting on :p
Oh definately... we have a long email list aswell ;) I should be able to email everyone every week or every 2 weeks. I just thought it would be a nice idea to have a blog for family and friends who might not have access to an email (like my parents :rolleyes: ) or just people in general who might want to see how we're getting on :p

Yes I want all the gory details like Jon being fanned my a naked ladieeeeeee (not just the censored view your parents get :lol: ;) )
Good Luck!
Excited for you, it'll be a great adventure. I'm in Goa in February,it's an amazing place, where I got married in 2004. Watch out for the water buffalo wandering the streets, so funny. Try and get to Morjim beach in North Goa where you can hire a Rhajastani tent for the night for a few quid, then wake up and watch the fishermen pull in their catches as the sun rises. Loads to do and see. Good luck!
Shame you weren't all like that for me but there you go.:cry:

Well done on getting it started.
nice one bex, although i actually hope for both your sakes that the blog is fairly limited in the reports, info, photos, you provide. Why?

Cos this will mean you are far too busy enjoying yourself and having an amazing time to bother writing match reports for people back home, and thats the way it should be too.;) :D

So heres to an empty blog!:D (if you catch my drift;) )
nice one bex, although i actually hope for both your sakes that the blog is fairly limited in the reports, info, photos, you provide. Why?

Cos this will mean you are far too busy enjoying yourself and having an amazing time to bother writing match reports for people back home, and thats the way it should be too.;) :D

So heres to an empty blog!:D (if you catch my drift;) )

Oh it definately wont be a daily blog put it that way. What I plan to do is email everyone at least every other week, and I'll just copy and paste bits from the emails into the blog, and upload a few photos.

I expect there will be a few days when we're lazing about on a beach and I'll have an hour to kill for blog updates ;)
I think it's a great idea Becki - I look forward to reading it and seeing what you are both up to ;) You are going to have such an adventure, enjoy 8) xx
Oh it definately wont be a daily blog put it that way. What I plan to do is email everyone at least every other week, and I'll just copy and paste bits from the emails into the blog, and upload a few photos.

I expect there will be a few days when we're lazing about on a beach and I'll have an hour to kill for blog updates ;)

fair enough, just don't turn into one of these freakazoids who spends half their holiday on spotlight.;) :p :lol:
Oh it definately wont be a daily blog put it that way. What I plan to do is email everyone at least every other week, and I'll just copy and paste bits from the emails into the blog, and upload a few photos.

I expect there will be a few days when we're lazing about on a beach and I'll have an hour to kill for blog updates ;)

tbh an email once a month would be more ideal I think. However knowing Bec she will probably bring a laptop and be sending emails while on an Elephant ride across a desert
Im not sure but I think theres ways of updating blogspot by email, meaning if you have a mobile phone with access to the internet you can quickly post a blog from virtually anywhere, sitting in train stations etc.