Organ donors

Yes I'm on the register, there's absolutely no reason / argument against it that makes any sense to me. If I can save people's lives, or make them better after ive gone then great! I won't need my innards etc when I'm 6ft under/in a box of ashes/ buried at sea... Etc etc
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On the list. Can't see any reason not to be! If you would accept an organ, you should be willing to donate one. You're going to have little use for them once you're gone.
Signed up to give whatever they want from my ageing carcass!

I would be interested to here of a counter argument for why NOT to be signed up to donate organs?
My motorcycle license says I'm an organ donor. It's a given that if you ride one of those things on the streets on NY you're an organ donor anyway but I did choose to make it official.

I keep myself very healthy and in the event of my death I hope that whatever is needed from me would go to someone in need and they would live on.
I cant donate my heart because Ive got a heart problem but id want everything else to go. My dads in the position where shortly he will need a kidney. Unfortunately they wont let me do it, my brothers not a close enough match so its down to my sister...but she wants a child in the next 2 years so its advising against...tough situation.....

Personally I think everyone should do it unless they opt out...Ive recently told all my best friends and next of kin should I die I want the rest that can be used to be used, being from a very religious family this is hard for them, but from a few too many near death experiences the last few years I've made the conscious decision Id want my life too atleast mean enough that it helped a few people who through no fault of their own needed an organ. In a few years it could me so I fully appreciate the need for more people to sign up to be donors.
Personally I think everyone should do it unless they opt out...

Agreed. It should definitely be something you have to actively opt out of rather than opt in, most people are too busy with their own lives to bother signing up.
Agreed. It should definitely be something you have to actively opt out of rather than opt in, most people are too busy with their own lives to bother signing up.

Hmm. Don't know about that - the idea of the state automatically owning your body makes me queasy. I'd put more reminders for people to opt in (applications for official documents, etc; it's already done with some). I'd also make it more like an organ donor club, with those registered to give going ahead of those not registered in the event of needing an organ!
I'm more in favour of enforced state ownership than enforced non-ownership in the name of some God fearing cause.

If that makes sense. :lol:
I'm against state mandated organ donations. This might give cause to let someone die so they can harvest their organs????
Get your point but that's technically murder so I don't think that would happen in a million years.

There's also the right to die argument which I'm 100% in favour of.
Look at the countries where there are low numbers of people registered for Organ Donations or who don't have a register, lots of bloack market killings, so I dont think a 'Opt-Out' scheme would cause more murder...I think teh problem with things where u register is that u tick a box without thinking, next of kin may not be aware and then when the time comes it means they ask them and they might say no.

If not an 'opt out' scheme there should be more public discussion on the matter to prompt people to discuss with friends and family so if the worst happens your wishes would be known. It's seen as such a morbid discussion now no1 wants to talk about it. I know that from having raised it with multiple family and friends who've told me they don't want to talk about it. They've been forced to know my views though, so hopefully that will come to mind should the worst happen.
Hmm. Don't know about that - the idea of the state automatically owning your body makes me queasy. I'd put more reminders for people to opt in (applications for official documents, etc; it's already done with some). I'd also make it more like an organ donor club, with those registered to give going ahead of those not registered in the event of needing an organ!

The state own you now, so why worry about it when you kick the bucket?:lol: