opening-week @ pacha



which night would you recommend me this week?
tonight subliminal with erik morillo, tomorrow ministry with masters of work, friday 30th anniversary or saturday?
please, answer quickly!
you're really sure? won't be the anniversary-party something new?
the first flower power party of the season- next sunday 22nd!! :lol:

angie112 said:
you're really sure? won't be the anniversary-party something new?

Friday will be good cos it's Tony Humphries and I'll be there lol :p but Ministry is Masters at Work :D
angie112 said:
will ministry normal house or more deep house?

It's MAW so it would be very souldful funky house, when they played at Ministry in England last month they managed to play funk, hip-hop, house, loads of old classics thrown into mix.
so i hope it will be no hip hop... ;)
does anyone no the price?
thanks a lot!