

Just accidently sent a personal email to a mailing list that includes 2 of my bosses... about weekend partying, nonetheless :!: :spank: Had meant to send it to my home address.

I tried that Microsoft Outlook "recall message" function but I'm not sure if it works :( Many of the people on that list are on a separate mail server so I haven't gotten back a notice of recall success/failure...

Not good!!

"Jon, i dont agree with your weekends of excess, and for that reason, YOU'RE FIRED"
That recall thing only seems to work if the receiver lets you recall it.
I have had loads and I never let them recall the message until I have read it first!!!
On my office system, you get the original (offending) email, then a second saying "so-and-so would like to recall" the first email. Not much help if that happens, really.

I've just realised that, instead of forwarding an email to a colleague with a sarcy note at the top about its contents, I managed to reply to the original sender instead. Oops! indeed. Luckily the sender saw the funny side . . .

Emails are dangerous.
Oh deary me :lol:

I did this on a first week of a new job, I sent an email about how drunk I was at the weekend, the usual ramblings you give to a friend... Little did I know I sent it to my new boss :oops:

another job I sent a really rude joke email to my company director :oops:
On my office system, you get the original (offending) email, then a second saying "so-and-so would like to recall" the first email. Not much help if that happens, really.

I've just realised that, instead of forwarding an email to a colleague with a sarcy note at the top about its contents, I managed to reply to the original sender instead. Oops! indeed. Luckily the sender saw the funny side . . .

Emails are dangerous.

Thats how I have generally found it to work. Its like you read it first then its recalled so is deleted from your inbox. Bit pointless if you have already read it.

I remember at my old job, we had a colleague come back after maternity leave and she was promoted to be in charge of us. Boy did she love it, she was the same age as me and another girl but she proper marked her territory so to speak.

Anyway one day she emailed what she thought was a director called Glyn. She must have typed in the letter G but on the new Outlook it automatically brings up all the last "G"s you have typed, this amounted to her sending it to Group Hornchurch rather then Glyn.

What was worse is the email was her checking up on the other girl I worked with saying how she didnt think she had made many calls this month and could Glyn please check.

It went to the whole group :eek:
My friend Laura (who got me my current job) also made the mistake of in her first week, replying to all which included the whole office as well as most of her friends(god knows how she did it):

"I better do some work now, catch you later you bunch of gimps"

Apparantly she was mortified :eek::lol:
Mis-sent emails are up there with incorrectly spelt (or regretted) tatoos. The stuff dreams are made of! :D:D:D

That message recall thing is a load of boIiocks though isn't it?

Just sends a beacon out to the recipient saying READ ME AS IT MIGHT BE SOMETHING EMBARASSING OR FUNNY :lol:
My friend Laura (who got me my current job) also made the mistake of in her first week, replying to all which included the whole office as well as most of her friends(god knows how she did it):

"I better do some work now, catch you later you bunch of gimps"

Apparantly she was mortified :eek::lol:

yeah but doesn't contain references to mountains of coke and dwarf fisting like jonnys email :lol:;)
John - I wouldnt worry - the cock ups I have done in the past (any my extra curriculm activites are far worse than yours...:oops:) have not come back to haunt me (including last Friday night when I screamed the D word in front of my boss)
Oh dear i know how you feel man except mine was a text message about 8 years ago i thought i was sending to my mate about how i shagged this bird and how much of a filthy bitch she was in the bed (i won't go into graphic details on here but i did in the text) and i sent it to HER INSTEAD of him:spank::oops::lol: i was mortified,she texted back with a barrage of insults and told me never to contact her again, gutted she was a decent sort as well :cry::lol:
Mis-sent emails are up there with incorrectly spelt (or regretted) tatoos. The stuff dreams are made of! :D:D:D

That message recall thing is a load of boIiocks though isn't it?

Just sends a beacon out to the recipient saying READ ME AS IT MIGHT BE SOMETHING EMBARASSING OR FUNNY :lol:

Unless you choose the option "Delete unread mails and replace with new" then you send a random mail marked "Test" and "please ignore...."

does depend on how fast you are on the rewrite however.... :lol::lol::lol:
i did that a couple of weeks ago.

A good friend of mine has the same first AND last name as a high- up person where i work

I just started to put her name in the "To" field then sent the email before realising who i sent it to

i sent an email describing the details of a 'date' i went on and all the dramas that went a long with it... and a whole bunch of other things.

When realised what i'd done. (my friend told me she hadn't been getting any of my emails... i'd sent this other person about 10 sordid emails! :lol:) iI emailed the other person to explain... luckily, they laughed and said "no problem" :lol:
Good to know I am not alone :lol:

Yes, Dan, that recall message thing is useless... it worked for a couple of addresses (according to the reports I received back) but for most of them I have no idea what they have in their inbox and that's even worse than the original mistake by itself :lol:
Unless you choose the option "Delete unread mails and replace with new" then you send a random mail marked "Test" and "please ignore...."

does depend on how fast you are on the rewrite however.... :lol::lol::lol:

*prints off and sticks next to monitor*

Once you send out a cheeky email your screwed. In my office computer security is taken real seriously, so if you leave computer open and unattended you send emails out professing love for the boss and coworkers. I would not worry about the email Johnny ****e happens.
i did that a couple of weeks ago.

A good friend of mine has the same first AND last name as a high- up person where i work

I just started to put her name in the "To" field then sent the email before realising who i sent it to

i sent an email describing the details of a 'date' i went on and all the dramas that went a long with it... and a whole bunch of other things.

When realised what i'd done. (my friend told me she hadn't been getting any of my emails... i'd sent this other person about 10 sordid emails! :lol:) iI emailed the other person to explain... luckily, they laughed and said "no problem" :lol:

I am worse with texts - one year I was texting Gingerfreak about coming up to Newcastle for my 40th - I spent the night in a spangled state texting texting texting him culminating in my last text of "will you answer my f******g texts you ginger b******d you!! - I am bolloxed and need entertaining and want to know if you are coming up to Ncle for some "Puppy frolics"

Next day I got up and found a text from him saying "Hi what's the plans for your birthday?" I looked in my sent box and had been texting the Snr Partner I work for who has the same name as Ginge instead.... I had to send a text to the Partner explaining that he "may have inadvertenly received some texts the previous evening accidentally who were meant for my friend" :oops::oops::oops:

Oh My God - I was convinced I was gonna get sacked the next day.......

nearly 3 years down the line and we still havent mentioned the "texting incident" been promoted 3 times now and I am convinced that they dont care what you get up to as long as you do a bloody excellent job whilst at work

Still, it was a heart stopping moment......

I have now added the word "BOSS" in front of all their names now for future f**k ups.....