One of the tunes of the summer!

bora-bhoy said:
Soveig was just ruined by commercial success

so the man made a few bob... but he didnt think, "f*** it, lets stick a crappy vocal over it to make it more singalong to the 12yr old girlies at home"...
I dont think Rocking Music was ruined by commercial success - it is just more commercially appealing.

You'll see what I mean if you listen to Someday or Heart Of Africa from his old Sur Le Terre (spelling?) EP.

All very good stuff.
It is really different to the Solveig sound which we are used stuff like the africacism sound looking forawrd toi hearing this new album as i have lots of his productions

I myself am into Soulful house and the africa sound from dj's like solveig,gregory,jjk,brian tappert etc
You see I can appreciate the Africanism stuff and see why people would like that.

I have no problem with that at all - it's just s*hit like the one at the top of the post. I cant even bear to think about it it brings me out in cold sweats.

The is far too much weak music about

There always is going to be but a good dj is a dj who stays away from this shite and makes his own sound but still sounds so good

Dj's like Gregory,Sneak,Derrick Carter spring to mine
I also absolutely love the soulful stuff, deep house etc but the odd cheesy song can be ok in it's place. There's a fine line between cheesy and $hit music but the brad carter tune is well produced and it will get lots of play in Ibiza I guarantee it. Having said that I think I will get sick of it very very soon.