Office men on heat


Active Member
I am really chuckling to myself today. One of my work friends friends is in Nuts magazine this week posing in her "smalls".......all the men/boys are going CRAZY about it. One has even rushed out to buy 4 magazines just incase he gets the wrong one........:lol::lol::lol:
I am really chuckling to myself today. One of my work friends friends is in Nuts magazine this week posing in her "smalls".......all the men/boys are going CRAZY about it. One has even rushed out to buy 4 magazines just incase he gets the wrong one........:lol::lol::lol:

is it available online?
I cant view it online, anything like that is blocked.

Her name is Emma Glover, brunette. I have met her a few times as it goes....apparantly her fiance sent in the pics :lol::lol:

They all love it here though, all been whispering about it "have you seen nuts mag" "is it true" :lol::lol:
Immediate "Come back to haunt you" potential for the rest of her life.

Massive fail.
Mates cousin entered some kind of sunday sport local babe competition.

Photographers came round giving it the chat, larvley daaarling you'll look rawt classy in there...

Opens said paper, cant remember the exact headline but it was something like sweet xxx only seventeen, is at six's and seven's but she loves a nice hard eight 8O

Complete with obligitary everything but muff out pics (now i assume that bit did not suprise her)

Her old man works on a building site......he still does not know....
My mate used to do Dear Deirdrie and also some Women's Own photo case shoots. As you can imagine it brought much humour down the pub on a Sunday when there was our good friend in his y-fronts in the News Of The World. He now resides in Cornwall in exile. Similar to Falco after releasing Rock Me Amadeus.

My missus mate just done a load of saucy shoots for the lads mags, funny enough bumped into her train this morning. Fully clothed - boooo hissssss!! Her name is not Beverly and she is not from Halifax as stated by Zoo but **** ***** from Essex!
Everyone in my office is on heat today!

New girl started who is... TOP!

Its dress down day and she's got a nice little top on with her boobies bulging out!

I remember when I had to pose for some pics which appeared in Marie Claire a few years back

the whole afternoon in the studio was stifling hot and really tedious, in truth