Office Etiquette

I kind of feel a bit bad for moaning about it seeing as it turned out she had pneumonia and was off for 2 weeks afterwards :lol:
I kind of feel a bit bad for moaning about it seeing as it turned out she had pneumonia and was off for 2 weeks afterwards :lol:

I have a habit of doing that - moaning about someone being off sick when its nice outside then turns out its something awful :oops:
I do think people prefer you to stay at home when you are ill

I remember when I came home from Mexico after the swine flu incident - they were very keen for me to stay at home for the rest of the week when I felt a bit "weird" :lol:

TBF if you are making inhuman / out of the ordinary noises voluntary or involuntary you should stay at home, isnt worth to risk making other people ill etc, but some people think its fine :confused: but when the shoes on the other foot....need i say more :rolleyes:

Last year i got shingles and was off work for a week, booooooooooored ****less :evil: went to DR's after i killed the virus and she said you can go back to work if no one is pregnant, to which i said 'fat chance of that, the mojority of my office is male or past having anymore kids'....famous last words mepham, was off another week because the only possible person who could get preggers, bloody was :rolleyes: typical...
TBF if you are making inhuman / out of the ordinary noises voluntary or involuntary you should stay at home, isnt worth to risk making other people ill etc, but some people think its fine :confused: but when the shoes on the other foot....need i say more :rolleyes:

Last year i got shingles and was off work for a week, booooooooooored ****less :evil: went to DR's after i killed the virus and she said you can go back to work if no one is pregnant, to which i said 'fat chance of that, the mojority of my office is male or past having anymore kids'....famous last words mepham, was off another week because the only possible person who could get preggers, bloody was :rolleyes: typical...

Yeah very very true - I didnt object to being made to stay at home :lol:

For the record I did not have swine flu, I just had a funny episode on the train to work :oops::lol:
How do you know if you have swine flu? I know loads of people who said they got swine flu on holidays (including myself) but I doubt any of them got a proper diagnosis (including myself)
How do you know if you have swine flu? I know loads of people who said they got swine flu on holidays (including myself) but I doubt any of them got a proper diagnosis (including myself)

God knows, my boss made me phone my doctor and I had to speak to the receptionist about my supposed symptoms - what the hell indeed
Many (most?) of these supposed epidemics are all about back handers and the (legal) drug cartels.

A chuck a few grand at people in the right places and hey presto an outbreak of man flu suddenly has a fancy name and has taken on the power to wipe out mankind.
Many (most?) of these supposed epidemics are all about back handers and the (legal) drug cartels.

A chuck a few grand at people in the right places and hey presto an outbreak of man flu suddenly has a fancy name and has taken on the power to wipe out mankind.

I see you noticed drug companies can fix symptoms of almost anything, but they cure nothing:spank: