Office Break-in!

Well, if they went for cash and left no sort of clues, I'd imagine it'll be untraceable.
So long as they don't cash those cheques.
I have some lovely folk working for me, from a Singaporean grandad, who is possibly the politest person I've ever met, to 'the ferret', who is never cheerier than when proving that humans can enter small diameter sewers safely.

But, it's hardly everyone's dream career and in every lowly paid job that people do for survival rather than satisfaction, some will take what they can whenever. I'm 99% certain the suspected burgular was stealing all sorts from here when he was here, to be honest.

What, he was "having off" your confectionary?

Now that is lower than low, sub human scum.:(
Buckers, a shoe print can be as good as a fingerprint for the rozzers to get the thief.

Our house was done over years back and the scrote was caught using this method.

Assuming they know he's a suspect, and he's dumb enough to still have the footwear, he could be rounded up and charged pretty easily.

Shame about the 10 grand in the tin though. Hope you're insured...