Office Break-in!


Well-Known Member
Morning all!

I arrived at the office this morning to find one of the large windows put through. Given which disgruntled sacked employee I suspect, I was surprised NOT to find a large jobby on my desk!:lol:

What has been taken, by using a key hidden elsewhere in the office, is the cash tin with about a grand's worth of cash and cheques in it. So obviously someone who knew we are here (we are unsigned, behind some grassland and then trees, off an A-road) and knew what they were looking for. In the filing cabinet they unlocked, in the same drawer as the cash tin, there were 3 laptops and a blackberry, all untouched.

The project to erect security cameras and a fob-in/fob-out security gate will be complete next week.......

Inspector Buckley investigates.......
Damn man, that's not a great thing to walk in to.

Still, someone used your desk as a toliet? A bit of a lol moment... you'll never look at it the same way again ;)
Damn man, that's not a great thing to walk in to.

Still, someone used your desk as a toliet? A bit of a lol moment... you'll never look at it the same way again ;)

No, they didn't. My point was I was surprised they didn't, if it's who I suspect!
Jesus - what type of scum are you dealing with in your job? It never ends!

Is it ever worth it?
Jesus - what type of scum are you dealing with in your job? It never ends!

Is it ever worth it?

I have some lovely folk working for me, from a Singaporean grandad, who is possibly the politest person I've ever met, to 'the ferret', who is never cheerier than when proving that humans can enter small diameter sewers safely.

But, it's hardly everyone's dream career and in every lowly paid job that people do for survival rather than satisfaction, some will take what they can whenever. I'm 99% certain the suspected burgular was stealing all sorts from here when he was here, to be honest.
Buckley i think you need to stop sacking people so lightly ;) :lol: or overtime you will find a few surprises on your desk lol
I hope you had the place dusted for fingerprints!

Doesn't sound like the guy is bright enough to have used gloves.
Do you track your computer equipment, Buckley?

He can't be that stupid, he left all the equipment that could be traced.
Buckley i think you need to stop sacking people so lightly ;) :lol: or overtime you will find a few surprises on your desk lol

I don't really sack anyone lightly really, it's a bit of running joke.

The nature of dealing with the bottom end of the unskilled labour market does mean discipline is necessary. Most of my chaps act like they are mucking around at school.
;) On a lighter note, any chance when its all sorted you can leave said cash tin in same place with keys in same place etc etc then those of us on here are able to find said unwanted laptops & blackberries when we have a go at breaking in? Also a clue to where i can get a fob would be appreciated!!
;) On a lighter note, any chance when its all sorted you can leave said cash tin in same place with keys in same place etc etc then those of us on here are able to find said unwanted laptops & blackberries when we have a go at breaking in? Also a clue to where i can get a fob would be appreciated!!

That is unless it was one of the infamous 'clown gang' who have exceptionally big feet but their getaway car leaves a lot to be desired!!
Jesus - what type of scum are you dealing with in your job? It never ends!

Is it ever worth it?

Welcome to the construction industry. The savages we have to deal with on a daily basis :spank:

You new media luvies have no idea of the half of it!

(tho a turd on the desk is a new low)