October Holiday Sugegstions Required


Well-Known Member
Alright troops.

Looking to get away somewhere in mid to late October. Was considering a relaxing trip to Ibiza (well aware its beyond the end of the season) but I'm a bit dubious about the weather. My mate says he'll come with me as well now, so while I'd be content just reading a book by the pool or doing some exploring of the island, I think he'd prefer a bit more to do to be honest. He said he wanted to go somewhere we'll get decent weather.

Was thinking Canary Islands, or is it all just tacky tourist hellholes?

Maybe somewhere different... Tunisia? Malta?

A group of friends of mine had a blast in Marrakesh but I think that was more a product of their drinking than the city itself. But along those lines, Casablanca?
What was wrong with Marrakech Olly?

I got engaged there, fantastic place. Food, history....even bars...

I'd go there.

Or India. Principally Goa, but not the major resorts, try Agonda.
Anyway, united getting papped out of europe aside, i think some cheap and nasty hotel in a cheap and nasty resort might actually be a good base for a week of exploring the island with a car. Some pretty reasonable deals too.
Andulusia or mallaga both in the south of spain. I lived in El Puerto de santa maris for four years great place and still warm in October
Think we have a winner. Hopefully going to do a mini-european tour, starting in Munich on 29 October (taking in a Bayern game the following day), then hopefully flying up to Prague for a couple of days, train back down to Vienna, spend a day wandering around there, then a day in Bratislava, then fly home from Bratislava on 5th November.

I have a friend in Munich i've been threatening with a night out in his adopted home town for 8 years.

Stumbling block may be Prague. Me and my pal are fine with one long train ride, but can't really be pissed with 2, so looking to score a cheap flight to Prague from Munich on the Sunday night or Monday morning, or failing that, we can get a train to Prague from Munich, and try and fly to Vienna from Prague on Tuesday.

Might end up cutting out Prague altogether if theres something worthwhile checking out en route to Vienna instead.

Really not looking for a clubbing holiday. Thats not to say we definitely won't go out clubbing, but its more a culture and beer type holiday than a full on clubbing adventure.

Anyone done similar, got any tips?

Flight is to West Munich, but it gets in about lunchtime, so plenty time to make our way to Munich for teatime. Its costing about £6 with ryanair to Munich West from Edinburgh and about £25 from Bratislava back to Edinburgh 8)
Think we have a winner. Hopefully going to do a mini-european tour, starting in Munich on 29 October (taking in a Bayern game the following day), then hopefully flying up to Prague for a couple of days, train back down to Vienna, spend a day wandering around there, then a day in Bratislava, then fly home from Bratislava on 5th November.

I have a friend in Munich i've been threatening with a night out in his adopted home town for 8 years.

Stumbling block may be Prague. Me and my pal are fine with one long train ride, but can't really be pissed with 2, so looking to score a cheap flight to Prague from Munich on the Sunday night or Monday morning, or failing that, we can get a train to Prague from Munich, and try and fly to Vienna from Prague on Tuesday.

Might end up cutting out Prague altogether if theres something worthwhile checking out en route to Vienna instead.

Really not looking for a clubbing holiday. Thats not to say we definitely won't go out clubbing, but its more a culture and beer type holiday than a full on clubbing adventure.

Anyone done similar, got any tips?

Flight is to West Munich, but it gets in about lunchtime, so plenty time to make our way to Munich for teatime. Its costing about £6 with ryanair to Munich West from Edinburgh and about £25 from Bratislava back to Edinburgh 8)

Check for a flight to prague with Air Berlin they are not as cheap as Ryanair but a good price can be had.
I'm off to Prague in September. Never been before and looking forward to it. If you want a gem of a European city, try Budapest. Awesome place and it's warm at least until September.
Well, my mate is flying to Bratislava, and spending a day in each Budapest, Vienna and Bratislava, so it was an option, but it was also a surprise present for his Girlfriend, so didn't realyl want to do the exact same thing (pretty much gonna be out there at the same time) although might end up meeting up with them. May still do a day in Budapest though, if Prague doesn't come off.

Looking forward to it!