Nostalgia - London Clubs early 90's.

Did someone say early 90s? :lol:

I was listening to Top Buzz at Fantazia on the way to work this morning...I LOVED that pre drum 'n bass era when hardcore got dark.

It's weird looking back at those times when there were generally only three dance genres (house, hardcore, techno).

Sadly never went to AWOL - wasn't in London during that time but would have given my right arm for a session at Rage.

For anyone into 93 (my favourite year for dance music of every genre)...this mix is a must.

It's Jody (way out west fame) during his Sublove era, 'intelligent breakbeat techno'...I played this on continuous loop for the best part of a year. :lol:
Did you ever go to Camden Palace in 91/2/3 Rob? Same sort of music as above, great days, scuzzy charcters abound but that was part of the fun. People used to let off tear gas in there quite often and people used to claim it enhanced the 'rush':lol:

I was running around fields and disused army shelters with skanky dreadlocks on Salisbury Plain.

Used to love playing fetch the water bottle with all the flea ridden doggies. :lol:

Still love the crusties actually. 8) *sigh*

Hopefully there will be growing numbers when the economy dips properly (none of this half ar$ed austerity rubbish).
Been to one club all year and this thread is making me want to. Is there anything comparable to those nights now? I guess not :-(
I don't know really.

I've battled with this for years and I think nostalgia does put a rose tinted sheen on things.

I believed the early 90s was dead, buried and would never happen again but then I discovered a roofless Space and DC-10 in its infancy - definitely my halcyon days. 8)

I think London went through a lull in 2007 - some of the major clubs began to close and arguably (in my opinion) the music got ****.

Still can't/won't understand minimal.

I think things have picked up recently though - am inspired again for the first time in ages.

As far as an underground movement goes - the current political situation couldn't be more perfect. Students need to get lairy again and people need to get over VIP areas and iPhones. :rolleyes: :lol:

Still not feeling the optimism? Read this DJ Harvey interview - he's more of an old timer than us and his views are spot on. 8)
'old timer' :lol: Harvey is IMMORTAL don't you know :!: (the harvey worship on certain forums is entertaining if a tad embarrassing at times)

gutted to have missed out on his ministry sets but I was hardly in London in the 90s, for the most part hovering between Exeter and Barcelona, so my whole take on that era is very different

pre-university I managed to squeeze a few nights in at the hammersmith palais and in kingston options/ritzys when I lived in Richmond - but these were ultra-townie venues and left no impact on me whatsoever apart from a few shards of glass one evening.

upon returning to London in 98, I caught the final days at the wag and the four aces before both sold out to the dark side and then flung myself into all the big clubs, fabric, gurnmills, the end, and then gradually I discovered east london and 'nothing was ever the same again'

I was running around fields and disused army shelters with skanky dreadlocks on Salisbury Plain.

Used to love playing fetch the water bottle with all the flea ridden doggies. :lol:

Still love the crusties actually. 8) *sigh*

Hopefully there will be growing numbers when the economy dips properly (none of this half ar$ed austerity rubbish).

British Army?
Would have liked to have gone to;

Billion Dollar Babes


Leisure Lounge

Club UK

Managed these out of the capital mid nineties;

051 (Liverpool)

Hac :)cry:)

Golden (stoke)



- Happy times but things move on.
'old timer' :lol: Harvey is IMMORTAL don't you know :!: (the harvey worship on certain forums is entertaining if a tad embarrassing at times)

gutted to have missed out on his ministry sets but I was hardly in London in the 90s, for the most part hovering between Exeter and Barcelona, so my whole take on that era is very different

pre-university I managed to squeeze a few nights in at the hammersmith palais and in kingston options/ritzys when I lived in Richmond - but these were ultra-townie venues and left no impact on me whatsoever apart from a few shards of glass one evening.

upon returning to London in 98, I caught the final days at the wag and the four aces before both sold out to the dark side and then flung myself into all the big clubs, fabric, gurnmills, the end, and then gradually I discovered east london and 'nothing was ever the same again'

Did you get into stuff a bit later in life?

I was 22 before I discovered le disco dance