New Years Reso's so far - epic FAIL or going strong?!

Me personally...

Did smoking (18yr habit) on my last birthday and salt(!) for the new year.

It got to the point where I was POURING salt into my food.

Salt on my toast, pouring salt into a McDs' burger, sooo much salt....! Especially as I was on the "I have given up smoking so I can have as much as I want" tip.

Anyways, pretty obvious that I needed to sort it out and can honestly say it has been harder than giving up smoking - it's just salt right...
I'm knackered just reading the posts about the gym :(

a new life is my resolution.......still working on it, so not failed yet.....:confused:
One of my favourite mixes back in the day... 8)

"I don't wanna come down fast, I want my e buzz to last..." :lol: (etc)

Glad you posted it but errr why? :eek: