New Years Reso's so far - epic FAIL or going strong?!


Active Member
I wont lie, i didnt make any this year for the pure fact it would only be stopping all the things that are bad for me,drinking, chasing men etc etc ....and well that really isnt a realistic resolution as im never gona stop any of that :lol:

So were nearly 2 months into the new year...who made any new years resolutions and is going strong with sticking to it and come on ppls hands up, who crumbled easily ;)
I wont lie, i didnt make any this year for the pure fact it would only be stopping all the things that are bad for me,drinking, chasing men etc etc ....and well that really isnt a realistic resolution as im never gona stop any of that :lol:

So were nearly 2 months into the new year...who made any new years resolutions and is going strong with sticking to it and come on ppls hands up, who crumbled easily ;)

I was meant to not drink for January. Managed a couple of weeks.:spank::lol:
I'm still going to the gym, despite finding the whole experience of running and going nowhere spectacularly boring.

and contrary to appearances on this forum, have a generally more positive approach to dealing with some very stressful situations in my personal and work life

am also not complaining as much as I used to do - other people's $hit puts mine in perspective
I'm still going to the gym, despite finding the whole experience of running and going nowhere spectacularly boring.

Interval training sir. run as fast as u can for 2 mins , 1 min jog recover. Repeat till your dead. Twice as many calories burned in half the time
on the machine you press interval , it gives you 2 speeds to set i think. fst one should be a full run that you can maintain(maybe 12/13?). jog maybe on something like 8. you can adjust them whilst doing it. then is up to you to press the interval button and it will change from one to another. If you've been cruising 20min runs this will shock your system over 10-12 mins if you work hard. maybe start a minute on a minute off as your jog (recovery) is still making you more tired
The gym is such a classic one, once you get past the 4 month stint of going, i think youve cracked it 8)

3 years on and i still go 3 or 4 times a week, plus rock climbing and road running :confused:

No wonder i can get away with drinking the amount i do and consuming that evil kebab which is ever so bloody appealing after a skinfull :lol:
on the machine you press interval , it gives you 2 speeds to set i think. fst one should be a full run that you can maintain(maybe 12/13?). jog maybe on something like 8. you can adjust them whilst doing it. then is up to you to press the interval button and it will change from one to another. If you've been cruising 20min runs this will shock your system over 10-12 mins if you work hard. maybe start a minute on a minute off as your jog (recovery) is still making you more tired

Remember all machines are different, as in the speed type varies.

Ask one of the bored gym instructors to set you up with some interval training 8)
My wind-up won't work then! I just googled your name and picked a friend of the first facebook profile that came up.

Bah! :lol:

B*stard :lol:

There are a fair few load of us mephams in the world :D

Get alot of numptys thinking just coz we have the same surname, that makes an instant invite to become a fb friend on my page - i think not somehow 8):lol:
B*stard :lol:

There are a fair few load of us mephams in the world :D

Get alot of numptys thinking just coz we have the same surname, that makes an instant invite to become a fb friend on my page - i think not somehow 8):lol:

Yeah, I get a load of that. Bizarrely, my missus is call Westwood, which you would imagine is fairly common (I'd need to rephrase that if she read here!:lol:) but doesn't get any of 'em.
Whats the link meant to take me to...coz me canny open it :rolleyes:

but no havent been to Club Class ?!

There was a bit of a scandal on here when some members derided Nic Fancuilli as being 'big in Maidstone' and another member, from Maidstone, almost flounced off the board.
I made none as I am a weakling who would give in :lol:

I eat pretty healthy and dont drink as much as I used to in the binge drinking days so generally like to think I am averagely healthy - just need to exercise to feel the benefits - thats probably the only one I would make......