Fabric have just announced the release of a new Tyrant compilation due out in March next year. Craig Richards, who mixed the second installment in Fabric's Tyrant series with Lee Burrdige, will do so it himself this time around. Originally set up as a party concept with Lee Burridge and Sasha, Craig now puts a lot of effort in running the Tyrant record label as well. With Craig's taste for often undiscovered, experimental but refreshing music this 2CD release promises an impressive selection once again. Craig told us:
"It'll be a groovy electronic journey into the trippy and unknown. This is a supreme opportunity to record the sound of Tyrant; the album will represent the variety of music within my sets and also the sounds of the artists that play at Tyrant."
Fabric have just announced the release of a new Tyrant compilation due out in March next year. Craig Richards, who mixed the second installment in Fabric's Tyrant series with Lee Burrdige, will do so it himself this time around. Originally set up as a party concept with Lee Burridge and Sasha, Craig now puts a lot of effort in running the Tyrant record label as well. With Craig's taste for often undiscovered, experimental but refreshing music this 2CD release promises an impressive selection once again. Craig told us:
"It'll be a groovy electronic journey into the trippy and unknown. This is a supreme opportunity to record the sound of Tyrant; the album will represent the variety of music within my sets and also the sounds of the artists that play at Tyrant."