New to Ibiza

Matt - Reading

New Member
I'm going for the first time on June 9th. Are there just the super clubs that stay open late or are there smaller ones as well?
Can anyone recommend anywhere with a sound similar to what Jon Carter plays?
I cant wait!!!

Most of the big nights don't open til w/c 16th June (don't know if you're still around then). Eg. Underwater open on 17/6 - Darren Emerson, Tim Deluxe, Fatboy Slim, Subliminal opens on 18/6 - Erick, Harry Choo Choo.

Both those nights would be bit Jon Carter-esque ;)

Most of the clubs open midnights til 8am altho Space/DC10 and Pin-Up are open during the day as well on some days.
hey matt,im new to the island too and im flying out on june 9th!
i cant wait either :D
10 days to go!