New Spotlight Logo

tks for feedback everyone!

phil, i can only assume you're using internet explorer 6? is your pc old and running winxp?

i must confess that because less then 5% of our users are on internet explorer 6 we've not paid too much attention to rendering the graphics compatible with that browser release, as that gives us more freedom of design, but i can fix that ;)

pls confirm back. you can find the version you are using by looking at the help menu at the top of the browser screen.

anyone else having a grey background behind the logo in the first post on this page?


Wonder what happened to the set :) :)
phil, i can only assume you're using internet explorer 6? is your pc old and running winxp?

i must confess that because less then 5% of our users are on internet explorer 6 we've not paid too much attention to rendering the graphics compatible with that browser release, as that gives us more freedom of design, but i can fix that ;)

spot on! i'm at work. coooooonsil internet.
I like the new logo, certainly a lot cleaner and more modern looking. Looks much better on the Facebook feed, hasn't been changed on my twitter yet though
I like the new logo - as a standalone logo I think it works fine, and has been well executed. I really like what you've done with the clubbing section, the new layout looks a lot cleaner and a deffinite improvement.

Only 2 concerns with the new brand, I can't say I'm a fan of the typography - to which there appears to be no consistency over all of the spotlight features, such as the slider on the front page, the logo and the forums. The only other concern is that it looks like the MSN icon (the butterfly).

looks like a lot of work and it's not been wasted :)
The blue is lost against the blue background and its got a Star Trek feel to it:)

Its not bad.......but nothing defined or striking about it.