New forum software bugs and wishlists

Not really a bug but out of curiosity, what are the 88 "robots" that are currently online!???!! :eek:
If that's the only bug ric I am going to sleep easy tonight ;)

The robots are google, bing and various others who spider our site to index it for their search engines. Robot activity wil be high for the next weeks because we have changed our domain. It does look weird though, I'll probably hide it tbh :)
Not really a bug, but personally think its harder to navigate now on my phone. Lines aren't as strong. It's hard to see what's what :/
Seem to have lost a few posts off the Clubbing Forum from just before the site got hijacked. Presumably you transferred from the last backup or something and they're toast ?
we lost some posts/messages because we had to restore from a backup approx 6 hours old.

wednesday23. can you elaborate pls : "Lines aren't as strong" - do you mean the text colours?
we lost some posts/messages because we had to restore from a backup approx 6 hours old.

wednesday23. can you elaborate pls : "Lines aren't as strong" - do you mean the text colours?

The outlines of boxes are thin and in a light blue. The lines were thicker, darker or just appeared more prominent in the last mobile version. This one actually looks more modern in mobile. Just hard to focus on.

The differentiation seems hard between sticky posts and non sticky. Also the date of last post is quite small and if the thread has multiple pages its difficult to get to last page quickly. Again it's small.

Sure I will get used to it, if not ill just switch back to using my laptop!
The only problem is that Xenforo makes any other internet forum site look unbelievably antiquated. Great work guys!
thanks dan! yes i am really loving the new software - so quick, responsive and easy to use from admin side as well.

wedensday23 - now that's what i call great feedback. i'm sure we can improve.
hi wednesday23, i've changed some of the colours and added what i hope is better differentiation between posts for the mobile version and increase some of the text sizes. let me know if an improvement.

Where is my picture?

And also..where are all the friends I had added?
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can i still see who visited my profile? where? cant find it. the forum seems to be faster ... good thing!

is it possible to change the registered forum nick name???
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First, nice new design.
Looks like I can get used to it, but I am missing the "go to last post" button.