ibiza pirate island 
... Meliá Hotels, the company that builds the Nikki Beach in Santa Eulalia, keep up the work despite not having the mandatory licenses.
The laxity in the application of current legislation by the consistory of the island, Sant Josep and Santa Eulalia in this case-and the low speed of prosecutors and judges when they are called, are fertile ground for any entrepreneur dares challenge the rules and building without permission and without anything to happen ...

... Meliá Hotels, the company that builds the Nikki Beach in Santa Eulalia, keep up the work despite not having the mandatory licenses.
The laxity in the application of current legislation by the consistory of the island, Sant Josep and Santa Eulalia in this case-and the low speed of prosecutors and judges when they are called, are fertile ground for any entrepreneur dares challenge the rules and building without permission and without anything to happen ...