New desktop or repair

Have you exhausted all the possibilities of speeding up your pc? I.E. using Disk Cleaner, Disk Fragmentation, and a kick ass little program called CCleaner...
Whatever you do don't just walk into one of the big stores and ask for advice.
The moment they realise you are not up to speed on everything they will hype up and try to offload something that is coming close to sell by date,no doubt at a seemingly bargain price,but if you take the advice given by others here regarding processors like i3,i5 and i7 then things might work out for the a bit of research on them, worth it.
If you check the spec of yor pc you may be surprised at how powerful new laptops are.
My 5 year old desktop struggles through security updates for instance and really limps these days.
When looking around the shops myself I noticed a lot of Acer machines had busted keys...
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I'll never buy another laptop at a store again. I'm pretty much an impulsive buyer so I wanted a laptop there and then, quick 5 min deal I thought, the girl serving me had different ideas though. 20 mins I was there whilst she tried to 'sell' me add ons, the only reason I didn't walk out was cause it turned into a bit of a game.

"You'll definitely need Norton Security" she said, I said "No I'm okay thanks, I use Comodo which is free". "You'll need Microsoft Office for any publishing", ..."No I won't, I use Openoffice..." Then tried to sell me insurance, mouse and laptop bag to go with it. When she'd exhausted all her sales patter, she said she was going to get the laptop from the back room which turned out to be Via a conversation with her manager.

I watched as she went straight to him, he looked at me as they were talking, and then came over to me. "My colleague is just getting your laptop for you sir" he said, "She told me you didn't want any of our offers?" Then had to explain to him that everything they offer can be found for free, had the same argument over insurance, but finally paid and left with the laptop. Nightmare.
Just like everyone said go to the store armed with what you want to purchase. Don't let them talk you into anything else. I posted a link(see previous post above) for a laptop to give you an idea of a price point and what is available. I have the Toshiba satellite myself, it will fit your needs and then some.