Nelson launches massive attack on Tong


Well-Known Member

August 11th, 2011 | by Digby

Pete Tong has had to get a restraining order against Shara Nelson after she claimed that she was his wife. The Massive Attack singer has been harrassing the Radio 1 star with nuisance phone calls and even told Pete's colleagues that she was his manager.

Understandably, poor old Tongy has been finding the whole palava rather stressful, and eventually decided to apply for a restraining order. In court, Nelson even introduced herself as Shara Tong. West London magistrates gave her a 12 month community order and 80 hours of community service. It's also claimed that Nelson was banned indefinitely from contacting Tong or his friends and family. Presumably, she's still allowed to listen to him every Friday night on Radio 1.
Luckily the episode hasn't affected Pete's DJ schedule, he's still rocking Pacha, Ibiza every Friday night. Though it's unlikely he's going to end his sets with ‘Unfinished Sympathy'.

:rolleyes: - such a good track as well - no wonder Daddy G's been hiding out in Ibiza !!
No - dead straight article from Mixmag !! Now, children - this is what can happen when you have too much candy ???!!! :rolleyes:

He clearly doesn't want her to be his Essential New Tune (lame and tasteless gag pinched from facebook comments...)
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Read this last night Buckley, it’s interesting if only the fact he may not have had permission to use the tracks.

Don't think he needed it:


Is permission always required to perform live music in public? If you do not own the copyright in the music and lyrics you intend to perform, in most circumstances, permission will be required from the copyright owner(s) for live performances of music. Provided that the venue that you are performing in has an up to date public performance licence from PRS then in almost all cases no further action is necessary in order to perform the music and lyrics from a published copyright work. It is the responsibility of the venue to ensure it has the correct licence(s) in place for the copyright works that are to be performed. Usually PRS will be able to authorise permission for all the rights associated with the live performance of a piece of music. In rare cases, where the music being used is not included in the music licensed by PRS, separate permission will be needed from the individual rights owne
Tongy is a shrewd business man who has been able to reinvent himself over the years, highly respected still and the 2nd longest serving DJ on Radio 1 - I don't mind his sets either

I wonder if 3D gets any royalties from his other " Job " either ;)
tong can do one. has no relevance to 2017. the cool people listen to Rinse, dublab and NTS not the BBC.

+ who in their right mind wants to hear orchestral versions of records that were already over-exposed by 1997?

seriously, f*ck off !

ps/ has he learnt to beat-match yet?
tong can do one. has no relevance to 2017. the cool people listen to Rinse, dublab and NTS not the BBC.

+ who in their right mind wants to hear orchestral versions of records that were already over-exposed by 1997?

seriously, f*ck off !

To be honest, I quite enjoyed the Hacienda Classical opening the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury. I am, I admit, a very easy punter to please, particularly at Glastonbury.
I think I would probably have less of an issue with it at some festival where there are all sorts of novelty things going on and you can pick n choose. eg Bestival does quirky very well. And something say like the Fairey Acid Brass Band for instance is fun because there is something unique about it

I take issue however with an event which is nothing more than some lazy nostalgia fest, rehashing very tired old dance records for very cynical commercial gain, which is all Tong is about these days

anyway, we'll ALL be too old soon !

this is a very funny and painfully accurate read ->
He lives in hHollywood now...Good swap actually, Uk give them Tong and James Cordon and ye get Nicole Shirtswinger.:).
re: the classical/electronic thing, I think in Mills case he was genuinely interested in seeing where the classical thing could go whereas the others are in it for the $$$. I read that Carl Craig is "doing a symphonic reimagining" of his dancefloor productions at the Barbican on 6th April. Jesus wept. I loved that guy so much and now they're all selling out for the money. Have they all run out of ideas?